TOPEKA, Kan. (Aug. 24, 2007) The 2007 Tire Rack® SCCA Solo National Tour regular season has come to a close, which means the 35th Annual Solo National Championships are right around the corner. Entries must be submitted shortly to avoid late fees.Any Solo National entries received after 4:00 p.m. (CDT) on August 29 will incur a $75 late fee on top of the $110 entry fee. Entries received after September 6 will be subject to a late fee of $150. Soloists can visit the Solo National Championships event page at www.scca.com to register online or print out an entry form to mail or fax. As an added incentive, any competitors who bring a rookie with them to the 2007 SCCA Solo National Championships will receive a certificate for $25 off an entry to any 2008 Tire Rack Solo National Tour regular season event.Additionally, there are less than 100 spaces still available for the National Test N Tune on September 23. Registration information for the National Test N Tune can also be found at the Solo National Championships event page.