Dear SCCA Members,Welcome to the new and improved SCCA.com.The site youve just landed on was completely rebuilt based on feedback from the membership, staff and fans of SCCA. Its not just new bodywork on an old chassis. Weve built this new model from the ground up with new chassis, drivetrain, driver and navigator equipment and body.First and foremost, weve added speed, something that was missing before. Youll notice the new site is on par with the best sites you visit every day on the Internet.The Navigation will be changed a bit as well. It will take far less clicks to get to the things you pull up the most. Looking for Fastrack? There will always be a big button in the lower right hand corner of the home page, as well as a link from each of the Competition Department home pages. When our Championship events are running, you can click to the event informationincluding results, schedules, entry listsright from the front page of the Web site.Weve not changed everything on the site though. If youre familiar with how you get to something, chances are youll still find it. However, if you cant locate something, type in what youre looking for in the Search bar and you should get to what youre after.If youre still stumped with where something is, or youve actually discovered that something is missing, send a quick message to webmaster@scca.com and well get that question answered as quickly as possible.And remember, like any new racecar, sometimes new things can be finicky at first. However, after extensive testing and learning from the launch of the last Web site, were confident that your first test drive of the new site will go smoothly.Enjoy your new Web site and well see you at an event soon!Sincerely,Jim JulowPresident & CEO, SCCA, Inc.