There they are at every track. Hovering above it all with a flag in hand and a fantastic view of the action. It’s the Starters. The men and women in charge of making sure a race start is fair, and the folks that unfurl the checkered flag for race winners.
Mick Levy, of the SCCA’s Glen Region, is the lucky soul who holds the Chief Starter position for this weekend’s Hoosier Racing Tire SCCA® Super Tour stop at Watkins Glen International. Levy, an SCCA member for 21 years with a background in Flagging & Communications, has been working as a Starter for the last six years. According to him, the volunteer position is both challenging and exciting.
“We get to start the races and convey to drivers whatever the Stewards want them to know,” Levy said. “There’s a bit more to do at the Starter stand than flagging in a corner. More to keep track of. You’re kind of watching over everything that is going on. It keeps things interesting. You’ve got to stay on your toes up there.”
Even though things can be a little hectic in the Starter’s stand, the reasons for being there are very similar to the reasons why any SCCA volunteer gets involved with the Club and motorsports.
“The cars and the people make this fun,” Levy admitted. “You get to meet new people all the time. When I work pro races here at Watkins Glen, I sometimes get to meet the pro drivers and crews.”
For those that race at The Glen, Levy and his team in the Starter’s stand want drivers to always keep in mind one thing. “When it comes to the start of a race,” Levy warned, “make sure you’re in line. If you’ve fanned out to get a better run at somebody, we’re waving off the start.”
See who gets to the checkered flag first all weekend at the Hoosier Racing Tire SCCA® Super Tour from Watkins Glen International with live timing and scoring, lap notes, live video, Super Tour Radio presented by Hoosier Racing Tire and more via the SCCA® Pit Board available through www.scca.com/live.
Photo: Members of the Starter’s team at Watkins Glen International