TOPEKA, Kan. (May 31, 2018) – For 2019, the annual SCCA National Convention will return January 17-19 to South Point Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas. This year’s National Convention will be very special as its theme is “Celebrating Our Legacy, Building Our Future” and serves as the official start of the Club’s 75th Anniversary celebration.
The Convention will again be a familiar format that encompasses leadership development and skills training for Club members. Details on times and a full schedule will be announced later this year. But as usual, the Annual Meeting and welcome reception will be held Thursday, followed by two days of training. Various fun social activities will certainly be included, too. The SCCA Hall of Fame and Awards banquet on Saturday night then caps festivities.
Organizers are also seeking additional topics and presenters for Convention leadership and training sessions. Those who believe they have subjects of interest can submit a presentation proposal at https://www.scca.com/pages/speaker-application. Presentations are usually done in one-hour blocks. Longer presentations are allowed under rare circumstances. The submission deadline is June 15, 2018, for presentation proposals.
More information about the 2019 SCCA National Convention and special lodging packages will be made available at https://www.scca.com/pages/nationalconvention in the coming months.