The 2020 DirtFish SCCA® RallyCross National Tour is scheduled to get rolling in June, so it’s a good time to note changes this year for claiming contingency awards at those events.
Competitors are now required to submit an electronic claim form in order to collect contingency awards. This new process will greatly improve contingency verification and enables the competitor to ensure their vehicle was checked and submitted for quick and accurate payout.
When achieving a payout position, the first step is to take three photos of your vehicle - one of the driver’s side, one of the front, and a picture of the passenger side to show proper placement of decals. Please note that most modern smartphones will allow you to take those photos while in the claim form, or you can simply download pictures from your phone’s photo album. Photos must be taken on site at the event for which a claim form is being submitted, so it would be wise to perhaps take those pictures while celebrating in impound.
The next step is to complete the claim form from your smartphone, tablet or computer. Be sure to fill out the required fields, add your photos and click "Submit." Your claim form must be submitted within seven days of the event. Only one claim form needs to be submitted per event as multiple sponsors can be included in each submission.
Once submitted, the claim will be reviewed by SCCA National Staff. Once verified, you will receive awards according to the specific sponsor’s payout process. Questions on payouts or the process can be directed to Brandy Wiggans at contingency@scca.com.
2020 DirtFish SCCA® RallyCross National Tour contingency partners include:
- Hawk Performance, Official Brake Products of SCCA (All Classes)
National Tour: 1st-$75 certificate 2nd-$50 certificate 3rd-$25 certificate
National Championship: 1st-$100 certificate 2nd-$90 certificate 3rd-$80 certificate
4th-$70 certificate 5th-$60 certificate
- Hoosier Racing Tire (Select Classes)
National Tour/Class: 1st- 2 tires 2nd- 1 tire
National Championship/Class: 1st- 4 tires 2nd- 2 tires 3rd- 1 tire
It is the responsibility of each driver to make sure they are eligible to receive any contingency awards in which they are interested, and have met requirements for the program, including pre-registration. Be sure to check each requirement for each program by visiting https://www.scca.com/pages/rally-contingency.
Photo Credit: Rupert Berrington