We’re here whenever you’re ready to get back to #funwithcars … and if that’s this month, Hagerty is here to make it a little easier on your wallet.
With masks for coaches, hand sanitizer stations, and more – we’ve found that there’s no better way to social distance than alone in your car, several car lengths away from anyone else, and only getting close with an appropriate point-by at Track Night in America driven by Tire Rack. Hagerty is here to help with three money-saving tools to help you get back on track.
1. $25 Coupon for Everyone
As the featured partner for the month of June, they are providing everyone with a one-time use code to take $25 off of any Track Night event held in June. It’s simple – just use the code HagertyDriversClub2020 at check out and enter a Track Night for $25 less. It’s that easy.
2. Coverage on Track
Did you know that Hagerty can offer insurance for your car while you’re on track? For just a relatively few bucks, you get peace of mind knowing that your car’s covered when your regular insurance may not do the trick.
Come back here when you’re done, though, because there’s more! Don’t worry, we’ll wait.
3. $25 Off ALL Track Night’s
We have your attention? Great! So you’ve got an even better bargain on this event with the coupon, and you’ve found a way to push that extra little bit into the corner with Hagerty’s protection. We know you’re going to have fun. You’re as excited as we are to get back out there, right? So, you’re going to hit another event. But you’ve already used your June code! Hagerty can help with that, too.
As a car enthusiast, the Hagerty Drivers Club provides resources and information that’s right in your wheelhouse… and that includes a $25 discount on ANY and ALL Track Night events, no matter how many you attend. It’s just $45 to join the Drivers Club for a year, but you’ll make that back in spades with your savings on Track Night events.
Why are you still reading? Let’s get on track! We’re here and ready for you when you’re ready for us – safely, with appropriate social distance — with the same fun you’ve always had at Track Night in America driven by Tire Rack.