So, how about that 2020, huh? To call this season of Track Night in America Driven by Tire Rack unique is an understatement. It was full of challenges and potential excuses, and you all answered the bell in a big way. We learned a lot, and you willingly learned right along with us so that we could all continue to drive on track.
Armed with that knowledge, we'll be able to march forward in 2021. But before we do that, let's take a look at some truly spectacular facts and figures.
7,475: The total number of entries at Track Night in America events in 2020. Okay, almost. There is one event left in 2020, at Palm Beach International Raceway. Let's get this number to an even 7,500. You can register for that event, happening on December 15th, here. This was not a record, but with an average of more than 74 entries in a challenging-for-everyone type of year, that's a great, great number.
4,784: The number of unique people who attended Track Night in America events in 2020. Now, to clarify, everyone is unique – but these were all different people who made up the 7,475 total entries.
1500: Ounces of hand sanitizer that we sent to our tracks this year. That's about 12 and a half oil changes on a '99 Miata's worth of hand sanitizer. Way to use it up!
781: We're not saying Miata Is Always The Answer, but we are saying that more Mazda Miatas (and MX-5s, we're rolling them in together) attended Track Night in 2020 than any other car. But it wasn't as wide of a margin as you might think. The 781 Miatas just edged out the 753 Chevrolet Corvettes who showed up this year. It's not a huge shocker to look at the rest of the top five, where the people's sports cars Ford Mustangs (508) and Chevrolet Camaros (469) follow, with the BMW M3 cracking the top five as well with 314.
160: The number of staff and volunteers that helped host the events this year. That's just an official number. That doesn't count the flagging staff, those of you who worked hard to bring a new face to the event, or the track staff that helped us secure these events because they see the value in this program. Want to join those ranks in 2021? Our staffing application is currently open here.
100: The number of Track Nights held this year. Unfortunately, an additional 53 were cancelled early in the year due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
25: The number of dollars off a Track Night registration thanks to various monthly deals from Hagerty, Valvoline, Hawk and Falken. Hopefully, you took advantage of their generous offers. If you missed them, don't worry. They'll be back next year.
24: The number of partners that will give you money back on any purchase made through Tire Rack. Track Night in America participants who opted in were eligible for $25 or more in Tire Rack Performance Rewards when they optimized their vehicle for the track with select products from Tire Rack.
8: The number of states who did not have an entrant at a 2020 Track Night in America event. Some make sense to us – Alaska and Hawaii are hard to drive in from, and Montana/North Dakota/South Dakota/Utah and Wyoming aren't particularly close to many events (but pay attention to those in Colorado!). But Arizona and New Mexico? Some of you are within driving distance to events in your part of the world! Let's take a look in 2021 and see if we can, in the lingo of 2020, "flip some of these states."
1: The number of additional people we'd love to attend next year – you!
Photo by Gregory Pfaff