Save the date for January 21-28, 2022 — the 2022 SCCA National Convention is coming back to help you, the members, lead this Club into the future.
The 2022 Convention will build on everything we’ve learned in the past year, including the reality that it’s very hard to plan large indoor activities — especially ones that bring together folks from across the country — at this stage of the pandemic. With that in mind, this year’s SCCA Convention will once again be 100% virtual, and free to attend.
The week-long convention will open on January 21 with a kick-off from SCCA President and CEO Mike Cobb, followed by all of the traditional elements: program direction sessions and town halls, leadership and how-to seminars, and a virtual celebration for the 2022 SCCA Hall of Fame class. We will also recognize perennial awards for Woolf-Barnato, Member of Excellence and many others.
With one successful virtual convention under their belts, the SCCA team has built on their already strong understanding of the types of presentations that work best in a virtual setting, and the platforms utilized to do so to make improvements to the 2022 presentation, providing the best possible experience for all involved.
Most importantly, just like in 2021, all Convention sessions will be recorded and included on the Member Account Portal (MAP) for later viewing by SCCA members.
While many SCCA leaders want to attend a face-to-face event again when we can, much of the feedback we received from this year’s first-ever virtual Convention showed appreciation for the distanced-learning format that allowed them to attend live or view recordings when it was more convenient. The flexible format facilitated record attendance, with many attending Convention for the first time ever.
“Our team has explored all possible options, and an improved and enhanced virtual Convention is our best option for 2022,” Cobb said. “We can let the virtual cat out of the bag, however, as we have reserved the South Point Hotel Casino & Spa for January 19-22, 2023, to hopefully once again gather in person for a celebration and convention to grow the Club.”
More details about the 2022 virtual convention will be announced in the coming weeks:
- November 18: Registration information, key dates and sneak peek at the schedule
- November 30: Registration opens
- December 1: Complete convention schedule released