Photos by Jon Krolewicz, SCCA Staff, and SoloMatters writers.
Jeff Schmidt — from Old Dominion Region — jumps for joy after winning his first Championship in C Street Prepared.
Even if it's not an official work duty, one might end up helping conduct the traffic symphony that is a National grid.

Tunnel vision. Jon Clements stares down the front and between the wings of his not-quite finished A Modified car. It was still having finishing touches put on it as he was sent to the line on day two of competition.
Mari Clements, out of Southern West Virginia Region, takes a moment to put her head back and relax in the America-flag themed Van Diemen C Modified.
Washington DC Region's Alan Claffie looks forward to his next run in the STR MX-5 affectionately called Marmy.
Sometimes, you just have to get creative if you want the best seat in the house. Kudos to this guy!
Tracy Lewis reflects on her broken sway bar link, which cost her a run on the first day and created work for her team. She would recover from the issue and win the 2021 C Prepared Ladies National Championship.
The Moore B Modified car is a Solo Nationals classic, seen being piloted by Marshall Moore.

Kim Bollinger of South Bend Region stares out of her X Prepared Miata shortly before taking to the East Course on Tuesday morning.

Steve Eberlein, a 20-year member out of Texas Region, takes a deep breath before his next run in his C Street Prepared Mazda Mata.
No physical or emotional effort is spared in pursuit of a Tire Rack SCCA Solo National Championship.

San Francisco Region's 30-year old Matt Ellam — 16 year member — wiggles a cone on his way to top PAX and top raw time of Solo Nationals.
When it comes to the Tire Rack SCCA Solo Nationals, Central Carolina Region's G.H. Sharp keeps coming back for more.

Soon after finishing first in F Street, New York Region's Jake Namer starts the phone tree to spread the news of his National Championship.

The crew from Texas definitely had the most unique paddock transportation all week.

Brian Karwan probably hadn't planned on duct tape as a fastener when he was "engineering solutions."

Third place Super Street Modified finisher Andrew McGibbon out of Rio Grande region checks to see if his trophy is real during the podium celebration. Don't worry Andrew, it's genuine!

With long days and hot sun on tap during the 2021 Tire Rack SCCA Solo Nationals — you take advantage of rest and shade when you can get it — even if it's between grids and on concrete.
2021 G Street National Champion — Chicago Region's John Azevedo — is congratulated by fifth place finisher Mike King.

Go big or go home, right? Mike Snyder — Washington DC member out of Colorado Springs — took his CRX's livery to the next level with matching hair colors.
Jeff Wetzel — a 27-year member out of Gulf Coast Region — made a splash with the wrap on his F Street BMW.

Releigh and Velma Boreen — 45-year members of the Indianapolis Region, and long-time staples in the Solo community — look on at Solo Nationals Competition.
Rick Myers — long-time staff member and newly named Director of Solo — fills the coolers with refreshments ahead of the Monday evening party.
Jack (Helmet) stand. Quarters can be tight on grid at Solo Nationals, and creative solutions are called for when it comes to getting all you need within reach.
Buzz... buzz.... buzz. It was a frequent sounds of this year's Tire Rack Solo Nationals. Gotta keep those tires clean!
Stay on target. Trophies for finishing positions other than first frame the trophy for winning a Tire Rack SCCA National Championship.
Hoods up on grid, elbows out on course. H Street is always tight competition.
Intensity isn't limited to inside the car. It can also be intense watching runs in the final moments of competition.
Paul Krysiak gets an encouraging hand before his final run in STS from his wife (and SCCA Hall of Fame inductee) Kathy Barnes.
Eileen Blando out of San Francisco Region gets ready for her runs behind the wheel of the Shark Stealth A Modified entry.
With a limited time between runs on a hot day, it took multiple sprayers and helpers to cool the tires on the Hunter Knight/Kerry Kaughlin E Street Miata.
Grid usher. When amped from a run, it helps to have a crew member give you a helping point where to park when you come back in.
The 100 grid buzzes with activity as the first Heat 1 competitors prepare for some action on Tuesday.
Cal Club Region's Lisa Berry — a member since the age of 7 — remains all smiles despite facing some car troubles in Street Modified Ladies.
What's the frequency Kenneth? A lot of logistical work goes into the communications that keep Solo Nationals up and running.
Ohio Valley Region's Sarah Dean waits in her self-made personal shade for her chance to attack the course head on.
Brian Conners (left) and Chief Steward Paul Brown (right) discuss the finer points of an impending protest in Super Street.
Hold start. But only for a moment. This is what each competitor saw while sitting on the line before being sent onto the east course at the 2021 Tire Rack SCCA Solo Nationals.
A mother's love — 16-year-old Mason Herrick out of Nebraska Region gets an emotional hug from his mom after winning SSC.
Briget Sawatsky is the pink lady in her Pink Panther E Modified MGB.

Is it mist, fog or smoke? We're not sure, but it's the F Modified car — lovingly called the Doof Wagon — early Wednesday morning after a big night wrenching getting ready for competition runs Thursday.

Kimsoo Gopnik stands focused while recording video of her father, New England Region's Chang Ho Kim, on the West Course.
Northwest Region's Bret Dodson sported a bright yellow helmet to go with his bright yellow Porsche Boxster.
Katie Barrett — of the Northwestern Ohio Region — attacks the corners in her Mazda RX-8.
There looks to be an invisible line that golf carts just cannot seem to get across. Spectators and friends stay a safe distance back, as close to the action as possible.
Eric Clements and many others contributed helping hands to the impressive effort to finish off the A Modified car designed and driven by son Jon.
Laura Harbour — Lifetime Member of the West Texas Region — gets some last-minute advice before taking her runs on Tuesday.

Eastern Tennessee Region's Eric Anderson and South Carolina Region's Randall Wilcox embrace following Super Street Modified and X Prepared Championship wins, respectively.

The saying goes: pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. In this case, competitors paid all of their attention to the man in front of the curtain — J.G. Pasterjak presenting trophies on West Course on Wednesday.
Scraping, scraping and more scraping. Tire scraping and cleaning is precise and tedious work, but hopefully it pays off.

You're never too old to appreciate a welcoming message written in sidewalk chalk.

Washington D.C. Region's Brian Garfield flies in the family's D Modified Stalker AMR Honda, which he co-drove with son Julian.

Grant Reeve, from New England Region, gets a victory shower after winning Super Street R.
Another one! Jeff Kiesel adds another year to his listing of E Modified National Championships.
At 15 years old, Caitlyn Allen doesn't let her lack of a driver's license keep her from competing. She carries a licensed driver with her on course!

Detail on display. A formula car grid — like F Modified seen here — leaves little to the imagination the way a production car grid full of fenders might.
One last thing before we go(pro). Making sure you have video to review is nearly as important as tire pressures, shock settings and alignment in modern Solo competition.
Hands on... and under... and in the McCelvey MX-5 as it's prepared for its next run.

24-year Cal Club Region member and 2021 D Street Prepared National Champion Steve O'Blenes gets a tight hug after tight competition.
Some sports opt for champagne. Others opt for milk (bet you can guess that one). At Solo Nationals, the tire sprayer shower is the standing tradition.

Taking a look at the Solo Nats paddock from a whole new perspective — the cockpit of a US Air Force TC-135.
Ryan Lower takes the 'stage' in full race suit — during Thursday's opening ceremonies — to sing the national anthem before jumping into his kart to run in Heat 1.
Classic American Cruiser — a Model A Ford on display at the Rebels Auto Club car show.
Central Carolinas Region member Sean Minehart points out the location of a Stalker, driven by his brother, Scott.
Central Illinois Region's Chase Ketterling muscles his Ford Mustang around the West Solo Nationals course.
A TC-135 on display thanks to the US Air Force.

Jeff Kiesel lines up to race the US Air Force. Who will win?

Since SCCA began using jelly wristbands to mark those who'd signed the waiver at Solo Nats, many competitors have collected them as momentos. Chris Pruett displays his collection proudly.
Kansas Region's Laney Blume picks up a tire — and a National Championship title — in her H Street Ladies Honda Civic.
Roger The Real.

Co-drivers Jennifer Bedell and Chris Peterson celebrate their 1—2 finish in Solo Spec Coupe Ladies.
Attendees of the Tire Rack SCCA Solo Nationals heed the signs and give plenty of space to the Boeing E-4 "Nightwatch" Advanced Airborne Command Post as it taxis toward takeoff.
In what is hoped to be the start of a new tradition at Solo Nationals, Bob Tunnell gives the "Sunset Toast" and a chance for remembrance of those that we've lost in the last year.
South Carolina Region's Chuck Pyanowski focuses forward in his C Modified as he readies himself for his next run.
There are many ways to get around the concrete beach. This one requires more skill than most. It's fun with... rollerblades, right?
James Yom studying data and video just before his final run. Despite the on-grid cramming, it wouldn't be enough to topple Tom O'Gorman in the Acura NSX.
Jake Smilie acts as a human pry bar during the in-grid transmission change for the F Street Prepared "Lamborbunni" VW Rabbit.
Alex Piehl has some fun playing off his name with a banana costume to celebrate his D Street National Championship.

But first, let me take a selfie. What good is getting to hustle an F Modified Formula Car at the limits of its performance if you can't show it off to your friends at home.
It was a hot week in Lincoln, Nebraska. People — and their cars — needed to be kept cool during competition... one way or another.
The first Solo Nationals "Sunset Toast" had a couple of spiritual guests of honor, too — Paula Baker was one of them.
Eric Less could have had a better first run on the East Course, but at least he was able to get off course safely and quickly, creating a minimal delay for the event.

Not even a celebratory shower from a tire sprayer could dampen the spirt of Stephanie Humphries, seen here celebrating her C Street Ladies win.

Paul Daly, from Kansas City Region, contemplates his next run in Formula SAE while sitting at the starting line.

Tamra Krystinik gets a comforting hug from husband Andrew after taking a "spin it or win it" approach to her final run. She spun it, and missed capturing another DSP National Championship.
Alabama Region's Jessica Lewis and Philadelphia Region's Marko Gidej take time to look over data between their H Street runs.
Many regions coordinate special shirts for their members to wear during Solo Nationals, often playing off the event's theme.

Ian Baker takes to the East Course on the first day of competition.

Jojo Corrales-Kean and Hilary Frank do their best impersonations of jack stands following competition.
Victor Tugulan — from Saginaw Valley Region — guides a Mazda Miata through the East Solo Nationals course, "Kick the Tires and Light the Fires!" designed by David Marcus.

Will Lahee borrowed a car but owned the field — here he celebrates his 2021 F Modified National Championship with a happy dance.

Rachel Baker always brings stylish personal shade to autocrosses — whether she is working or, as seen here, watching the course.

When going to Top Cone, you dress the part. No joke — Stephanie Raynoso really does have a Top-Gun themed helmet for her Top-Gun themed Civic.
Northwestern Ohio Region's Ryan Finch and Detroit Region's Andrew Ramos compare notes between runs in G Street.
This is the way. Ed Vogt wore a Star Wars Boba Fett themed helmet livery for his finish in the trophies in G Street.

Douglas Brown — of Utah Region — awaits E Street podium where his co-driver, Charles Mathews of Chicago Region, accepted his fourth place trophy.

Chad Englert takes to the course as the green flag flies.

The most iconic sound of Solo Nationals is the buzz of oscillating multi-tool scraping OPR (Other People's Rubber) off of tires between runs to ensure maximum grip when its your turn to attack the course.

Standout Solo competitors Sam Strano — Washington D.C. Region —and Shelly Monfort — San Francisco Region — share a moment on the west course starting line.
In a class like H Street where momentum is king, every little bit of tire cleaning helps maintain the grip needed for optimum times.