Following successful implementation in 2019, SCCA’s Solo department continues its approach of assigning preliminary class-specific run days for the Tire Rack SCCA Solo National Championships six months prior to the event. The method, met with positive feedback from entrants, requires temporarily withholding schedules for a few classes in order to better balance participation numbers for each set of run days, which this year will be Sept. 6-7 and Sept. 8-9 at Lincoln Airpark in Lincoln, NE.
Rick Myers, SCCA’s Director of Solo, said predicting class sizes to create a balanced schedule is always a challenge. The Solo department weighs previous years’ class run days, new supplemental classes and the classing of new car models to generate a schedule that is both executable and delivers a superior experience for attendees.
“For 2022, we are holding back determination of new supplemental classes to better assess popularity during early season events,” Myers said. “These classes will be assigned run days following the Spring Nationals in late May at Lincoln Airpark. We promise to publish a more detailed schedule as early as possible so competitors can prepare to participate in another wonderful Tire Rack SCCA Solo National Championships gathering this year.”
The Solo department understands the need for competitors to plan ahead for their Solo Nationals travel, and thus a great deal of thought went into choosing which classes fall into the “to be determined” (TBD) category for run-day classing. Tracy Lewis will again play a pivotal role in producing schedules as quickly as possible, with TBD run days announced no later than the first half of June.
Not wanting to withhold helpful information pertaining to run days for others, the Solo department has produced a preliminary 2022 Tire Rack SCCA Solo National Championships run-day breakdown that can be accessed through the link below.
Photo by Philip Royle / Staff