Adventure is where it’s at, and SCCA’s Track Night in America Driven by Tire Rack is guaranteed to deliver! How do we know? Because you told us – and now one of you has won a prize because of it. How? Glad you asked!
We could start this story in 2015 with the launch of Track Night in America, but that’d be a bit dull. Instead, we’ll fast forward to earlier this year when the Track Night crew announced a social media challenge, inviting event participants to share their unforgettable Track Night memories or adventures on Facebook and Instagram, tagging #TNiAYourStory. The Track Night staff would then cruise social media for a tale that stood above the rest, and the winner would get a trip to SCCA’s Prize Closet for an awesome item of their choosing.
Enter Chuck Schroeder.
In Chuck’s post, he covered how he dove some 600 miles to fulfill a dream of driving on a bucket-list track. His goal was to...well, how about he tells the story in his own words (mildly edited by us for style and clarity):
Good ol' Jack Track for SCCA sent out an email saying, “Share your awesome Track Night story to win some swag,” so here it is.
The picture is from Michelin Raceway Road Atlanta last July. I drove 600 miles from the Mississippi Gulf Coast to fulfill one of my bucket-list goals of driving this track!!!
The Atlanta Region SCCA hosts were awesome!!! Extremely friendly and knowledgeable about this track – great people. Had studied this track and drove it in Forza for a month before going so I'd have less fear of Turn 12.
The day FINALLY came to do it for real. Kona (my 2014 V-6 premium pony) and I hit the track. Was Track Night in America number four for us, but the first one away from our home track of NOLA (love my Delta Region SCCA Family!!!). Love The Esses of Road Atlanta – had a real blast!!! Got to go as fast as my car would go on the nice back stretch. And then it came…Turn 12!!! Blind curve, downhill. Guidance from the coach – go under the flag on the bridge and don't lift! Easier said than done!
Thrill of the lifetime for this 53-year-old child! We had to cut session three short as the brakes said, "That's enough, we don't like hills."
Done five Track Nights at NOLA Motorsports Park and one at Road Atlanta. Road Atlanta is a great track, and I'd go back!
Chuck earned a trip to SCCA’s Prize Closet for sharing his winning story of his fantastic Track Night adventure. In the Prize Closet, he chose a one-year subscription to iRacing.
iRacing.com exists to create the world’s most authentic racing simulations, enable and organize real-time, online racing, and advance and expand motorsport. The company invents and provides the tools and environment to enhance the skills of racers – novices to experts – around the world, deepening their understanding and enjoyment of the sport.
A huge thanks goes to Chuck and iRacing for their part in this amazing social media adventure we undertook together – we can’t wait to do it again!
I Wanna Get on Track Too!
SCCA’s Track Night in America Driven by Tire Rack is your ticket to fun! Track Nights are laid back, affordable, and an amazing opportunity to experience racetracks in a no-pressure environment. All you need is a mechanically-sound (street!) car and a helmet, making Track Night undeniably the fastest way to get on a racetrack.
Never done it before? That's great! Because Track Night offers the KONI Novice Experience, where you'll learn driving etiquette to ensure you (and everyone else) get the most out of your time at the track. With Track Nights at more than 30 racetracks across the United States, finding an event near you is a breeze.
Photo by Walter Sippel