Hagerty isn’t just a dedicated SCCA partner and the deliverer of fantastic insurance for unique vehicles both off and on the track – the company’s also a media powerhouse, producing not only a printed publication for its Hagerty Drivers Club members, but also free content – both in written and video form – on the media portion of its website. In all, there’s seemingly enough to read and watch to fill every moment of the day. For now, we’d like to call your attention to two stories in particular: garage organizational tips and a Jay Leno update.
Disparate topics, indeed, but both fascinating and informative.
Keeping It Clean
Show us an automotive enthusiast and we’ll show you someone with a garage overflowing with stuff. It starts out innocently enough by picking up a spare set of wheels, and before you know it, there’s an engine stand in the corner, shelves piled with wiring, and a drawer filled with everything except for that 10mm socket you need.
Enter a recent Hagerty article on exactly this problem. As Kyle Smith wrote on Hagerty.com/media:
Garages are multipurpose spaces, even if you don’t use yours primarily for DIY projects. There are things to store, some of which will be in storage forever and others that need to be readily accessed. Large swaths of floorspace must be clear or, at least, able to be made so on short notice. And we haven’t even gotten to the vehicles themselves.
Whether you run a full restoration shop or simply park your vintage ride inside day-to-day, these six storage tips will make your life easier.
The story spans the simple use of bins to labeling those bins, utilizing flexible worktops, and even keeping everything in the garage mobile – and we do mean everything.
Click the link to keep reading.
Check In With Jay Leno
Every SCCA member who has ever wrenched on their own car cringed when they heard that comedian Jay Leno was injured in a gasoline fire while working on one of his many cars in mid-November.
Leno is one of Hagerty’s regular contributors, so Hagerty was quick to post an update once one was available.
“Jay Leno is brushing off what would be a life-changing event for most of us,” Steven Cole Smith wrote for Hagerty. “In interviews with People and NBC’s The Today Show ... Leno passed off the crisis as little more than a head cold. Despite suffering second-and third-degree burns to his face and his arms and hands, he joked through both interviews: ‘I had to catch on fire to get on The Today Show,’ he said.”
Photo by Kyle Smith / Hagerty