The 2023 Track Night in America Driven by Tire Rack season is already underway, and hundreds of drivers have already registered for events – but can you imagine the shock and disappointment if they showed up for the most fun anyone can have on track and no one was there to host it?
Thankfully, you can help us solve that nightmare! Track Night is visiting more than 30 tracks this year, offering everyone the chance to get on track in their own street cars with little more than about $170, a helmet, and the need for speed. On the organizational side, each of these events requires a variety of staffers and volunteers to pull it off. So, if you love being at the track, helping people have fun, and bringing joy to those who may or may not be new to track driving, we have a gig for you.
The Track Night in America team does it all. From greeting and registering arrivals to event leads, coaches, administrators, and more, these are the key players that are integral to the team’s success.
The number one quality we look for when it comes to Track Night staff are people who are just like our participants – they love having fun with cars, they’re enthusiastic, and they’re happy to help. Our Track Night team knows that the more fun they have, the more fun the participants have – and what’s more fun than putting a car through the paces on a racetrack in a safe environment while surrounded by likeminded enthusiasts?
The link to the Track Night staff application is below. There, you’ll find descriptions of the jobs and locations – fill out the form, click submit, and we’ll let you know the next step.
Don’t waste time – become an invaluable part of this incredible program today!
Photo by Tradd Slayton