The Sports Car Club of America® Solo Safety Steward (SSS) program has new training and licensing processes, including an online course for new and renewing members that delivers “just in time, just enough, and just for me” learning content. This means easier access to training sessions that are, themselves, incredibly flexible when it comes to SCCA members navigating all of their various time commitments.
Watch this brief video for more details on the new process.
The Solo Safety Committee worked with the SCCA Academy to develop the course, which is now available via the SCCA Academy Learning Management System (LMS) upon request. If you are renewing your SSS license in May 2023 and beyond, completing the online course is required, and if you already renewed in 2023, taking the online course is encouraged.
To request access to the course, email regionservices@scca.com and provide your name and member number.
Ready When You Are
This online course is one of the first steps to becoming qualified and licensed for this critical role. Potential SSS candidates can take the online course when and where and on the device that suits them best (“just in time”), with easily digestible content that can be paused and watched again if needed (“just enough”), and that’s designed to support their learning needs (“just for me”) before working hands-on with – and receiving feedback from – a qualified and licensed Solo Safety Steward.
While watching a video or taking an online course does not constitute “training” all by itself, completing an online course and testing to ensure comprehension is a valuable first step in the training process, and the best way for learners to absorb knowledge before practicing a new skill; it’s even better when a qualified, licensed individual can provide coaching and feedback as the learner practices doing the job.
The online content is based upon a compilation of the existing SSS webinar “scripts” and, along with the optional SSS workshops, the Solo Safety Committee is planning quarterly “SSS Town Halls” to engage and more fully support SSS license holders.
Aligning Processes
This licensing process was originally born from RoadRally’s program and was tweaked to adapt to SCCA’s new technology and online learning protocols. It’s notable that this online program will soon include RallyCross, as well.
In addition, the Safety Steward license is now a three-year standard across all SCCA programs, allowing consistency within our Member Account Portal (MAP) and the annual training cycle.
SCCA is also working on automating the license renewal process, which will be rolled out in 2024.
Graphic by Sara Torda