The Tire Rack SCCA® ProSolo® Series isn’t a one-and-done kind of deal. Getting to the ProSolo Finale with a chance at a class title takes commitment – and if you had any intention of contending for the coveted Johnson-Clark Johnson Cup or Fletcher Cup, you’ve been committed to the series since the first round of the 12 weekend 2023 season. For those who’ve had their eyes on success in this series, three dates are now key to your season as we approach the Sept. 1-3 ProSolo Finale. Namely, Aug. 16, 21, and 25.
Registration for the ProSolo Finale at Nebraska’s Lincoln Airpark takes place in three tiers. Tier 1, which opens on Wednesday, Aug. 16, at 3 p.m. CT, is for competitors who have amassed 34 or more ProSolo points in the class they enter for the Finale.
Tier 2 registration for the ProSolo Finale opens on Monday, Aug. 21, at 3 p.m. CT. This tier is for drivers who have amassed at least 27 ProSolo points in the class they enter for the Finale or scored points while participating in at least three ProSolos during the year in the class they enter for the Finale.
The final round of registration is Tier 3, which takes place on Friday, Aug. 25, at 3 p.m. CT. Tier 3 is for those who have scored points in two or more 2023 ProSolos in the class they enter for the Finale. Because the entry cap for this event is 275 people, Tier 3 registrants will be added to the entry list as space allows.
ProSolo Finale online registration costs $265, with online registration closing at 3 p.m. CT on Aug. 29. If space is available, the on-site registration fee is $295.
Those registering after the ProSolo Finale hits its entry cap will be added to a wait list, with entrants transferring to the official entry list as cancellations occur. Run/work information will be posted here by Aug. 31 at 8 a.m. CT.
Need More Points?
Getting into the ProSolo Finale is a race in and of itself. For those in need of an extra event or points to shift into the next registration tier, there’s hope – in fact, there are two chances, with one coming up this weekend.
If you act fast, there’s the Tire Rack SCCA Peru ProSolo taking place Aug. 4-6 at Grissom Aeroplex in Bunker Hill, IN. This event still has space available, and on-site registration is A-OK.
If you need a little time to prep, there’s also space available at the Tire Rack SCCA Brunswick ProSolo at Brunswick Executive Airport, taking place in Maine on Aug. 11-13.
Photo by Rupert Berrington