Surprise! It’s time for you to click more buttons in a series of polls that use the internet hive mind to try to predict who will win the 2023 RallyCross National Championship. Yesterday we looked at Stock, and today it’s time for the three Prepared competition classes.
But first, where and when will these drivers be battling for an SCCA National Championship title? The answer is Heartland Motorsports Park in Topeka, KS, and Oct. 6-8. And why will they be doing it? Because being an SCCA National Champion is just about the hardest thing to earn – especially in RallyCross. Think about it. In SCCA Autocross, you need to get lucky on two of your six runs at the Tire Rack SCCA Solo National Championships, and at the National Championship Runoffs, you only need one good race all year. But in RallyCross, every run counts over two full days of competition – there’s no mulligan, no do-overs, no “Oopsies – let me try again.”
Speaking of oopsies, if you forgot to register for the 2023 RallyCross National Championship, there’s still time! And if you can’t be there, keep an eye on SCCA.com and SCCA’s RallyCross Facebook page for event coverage.
But whether you’re there or not, it’s time to answer the question:
Who Will Win…
Photo by Rupert Berrington