SCCA U.S. Majors Tour 2023 Conference Champions

The 2023 SCCA® U.S. Majors Tour® produced an outstanding season of competition thanks to the dedication of countless members from throughout the Club’s many different Regions. In total, 31 different venues were visited during 36 eventful weekends that allowed SCCA Road Racers to come out and have #funwithcars, and fun with friends and family. And now, at season’s end, it’s time to celebrate the winners.

Conference points are awarded to the top 20 finishers in each class per U.S. Majors Tour Conference (which are the Northeast Conference, Northern Conference, Southeast Conference, Southern Conference, Mid-States Conference, and Western Conference). Winners earn 25 points, and 21 points go to second. Points are then doled out to others starting with 18 and descending to a single point for the 20th finisher. Only the best eight finishes within a Conference count towards a driver’s points total.

The expandable menus below list the 2023 U.S. Majors Tour Conference champions, with those listings including the racing class, driver’s name, and SCCA Region of record. Complete points tallies can be found here.

American Sedan®: Thomas West, New England Region
B-Spec: Steve Introne, New England Region
E Production: John Hainsworth, South Jersey Region
F Production: Charlie Campbell, Mohawk Hudson Region
H Production: Matthew Benazic, New York Region
Formula 600: Robert Gray, New York Region
Formula Atlantic®: Larry Howard, Kansas City Region
Formula Continental®: Richard Silver, Washington DC Region
Formula Enterprises®2: Sam Harrington, Washington DC Region
Formula F: Joe Parsons, Northeastern Pennsylvania Region
Formula Vee®: Alex Scaler, South Jersey Region
Formula X: N/A
GT-1: Joseph Foglia, South Jersey Region
GT-2: Kevin Allen, Buccaneer Region
GT-3: Warren Montague, Washington DC Region
GT-Lite: Graham Fuller, Washington DC Region
Spec Miata: Christian Sarnecki, New England Region
Spec Racer® Ford Gen3: Morgan Burkhard, Washington DC Region
Prototype 1: Matt Gendron, New England Region
Prototype 2 (tie): Jack Zweifel, Philadelphia Region
                            Michael Moulton, North Carolina Region
                            Pat Wildfire, Steel Cities Region
Super Touring® Lite: Christopher Childs, Detroit Region
Super Touring® Under: Chip Herr, Susquehanna Region
Touring 1: Robert Korzen, Washington DC Region
Touring 2: Kurt Rezzetano, Philadelphia Region
Touring 3: Marshall Mast, Philadelphia Region
Touring 4: Jeremy Butz, Washington DC Region

American Sedan®: Mark Muddiman, Detroit Region
B-Spec: Matt Wolfe, Detroit Region
E Production: Lance Loughman, Western Michigan Region
F Production: Kevin Ruck, Ohio Valley Region
H Production: Steve Sargis, Blackhawk Valley Region
Formula 600: James Weida, Indianapolis Region
Formula Atlantic®: Robert Radmann, Milwaukee Region
Formula Continental®: Kevin Fandozzi, Detroit Region
Formula Enterprises®2: Dean Oppermann, Chicago Region
Formula F: Robert Gross, Detroit Region
Formula Vee®: Andrew Whitston, Milwaukee Region
Formula X: Ken De Nault, Des Moines Valley Region
GT-1: Dave Ruehlow, Milwaukee Region
GT-2: Joshua Carlson, Great River Region
GT-3: Paul Young, Detroit Region
GT-Lite: Eric Vickerman, Detroit Region
Spec Miata: Tyler Brown, Milwaukee Region
Spec Racer® Ford Gen3: S. Sandy Satullo III, Neohio Region
Prototype 1: Greg Case, Central Illinois Region
Prototype 2: Michael Reupert, Milwaukee Region
Super Touring® Lite: Sean Duncan, Detroit Region
Super Touring® Under: Bruce Bannister, Detroit Region
Touring 1: Jonathan Anderson, Blackhawk Valley Region
Touring 2: Aaron Kaplan, Chicago Region
Touring 3: John LoGiudice, Milwaukee Region
Touring 4: Richard Mooney, Milwaukee Region

American Sedan®: Timothy White, Nebraska Region
B-Spec: Bryon Prokopf, Southern Illinois Region
E Production: Mark Weber, St Louis Region
F Production: Bill Hingston, Colorado Region
H Production: Jerry Oleson, Colorado Region
Formula 600: Timothy Friest, Kansas City Region
Formula Atlantic®: Courtney Jahn, Colorado Region
Formula Continental®: Robert Henson, Kansas City Region
Formula Enterprises®2 (tie): Darryl Wills, Houston Region
                                              Gray Fowler, Cal Club Region
Formula F: Bill Kephart, Colorado Region
Formula Vee® (tie): Mark Felsen, Colorado Region
                               William Lauer, Wichita Region
Formula X: Michael Lauer, Kansas Region
GT-1: Stephen Wiles, Kansas City Region
GT-2: Boyd Lear, Colorado Region
GT-3: Chris Edens, Arkansas Region
GT-Lite: James Lynch, St Louis Region
Spec Miata: Tyler Ladd, Wichita Region     
Spec Racer® Ford Gen3: Rob Pielsticker, Colorado Region
Prototype 1 (tie): Doug Schumacher, Iowa Region
                            Glenn Conser, Colorado Region     
Prototype 2: Jack Donnellan, Oklahoma Region
Super Touring® Lite: Alfred Maybury IV, Colorado Region
Super Touring® Under: Patrick Lipsinic, Oklahoma Region
Touring 1: Michael Pettiford, Colorado Region
Touring 2: Kunsheng Ye, Colorado Region
Touring 3: Michael Pettiford, Colorado Region
Touring 4: Liam Vail, Colorado Region

American Sedan®: Kelly Lubash, New England Region
B-Spec: Frank Schwartz, Detroit Region
E Production: Peter Norton, North Carolina Region
F Production: Steffen Clark, Blue Ridge Region
H Production: Will Perry, Chattanooga Region
Formula 600: F. Russell Strate Jr., Western New York Region
Formula Atlantic®: Jim Booth, South Carolina Region
Formula Continental®: Robert Allaer, Central Florida Region
Formula Enterprises®2: Charles R. Turner, Washington DC Region
Formula F: Nolan Allaer, Detroit Region
Formula Vee®: Donnie Isley, Central Carolinas Region
Formula X: Nico Dal Monte, Central Kentucky Region
                   Robert Wright, Mohawk Hudson Region
                   Russ McBride, Atlanta Region
GT-1: Thomas Herb, Chicago Region
GT-2: Jorge Nazario, Puerto Rico Region
GT-3: Ray Stephenson, Florida Region
GT-Lite: David Blain, North Carolina Region
Spec Miata: Danny Steyn, Florida Region
Spec Racer® Ford Gen3: Brian Schofield, Central Florida Region
Prototype 1: Todd Vanacore, Central Florida Region
Prototype 2: Thomas Kaufman, Florida Region
Super Touring® Lite: Danny Steyn, Florida Region
Super Touring® Under: Jorge Ortiz, Puerto Rico Region
Touring 1: James Candelaria, Central Florida Region
Touring 2: Scotty B. White, Northwest Region
Touring 3: Paul McNamara, Central Florida Region
Touring 4: Christopher Windsor, Washington DC Region

American Sedan®: Sam Daniels, Texas Region
B-Spec: Joseph Mcclughan, Houston Region
E Production: Riley Salyer, Houston Region
F Production: Samuel Henry, Ozark Mountain Region
H Production: Chuck Brehm, Lone Star Region
Formula 600: George Bugg, Tennessee Valley Region
Formula Atlantic®: Paul Ravaris, Texas Region
Formula Continental®: William Trimbur, Houston Region  
Formula Enterprises®2: Darryl Wills, Houston Region
Formula F: Matt Boian, Southwest Louisiana Region
Formula Vee®: Hunter Phelps-Barron, Texas Region
Formula X: Ashlyn Speed, Texas Region
GT-1: David Fershtand, Texas Region
GT-2: Michael Quattlebaum, Houston Region
GT-3: Chris Edens, Arkansas Region
GT-Lite: Luis Rivera, Houston Region
Spec Miata: Logan Stretch, Texas Region
Spec Racer® Ford Gen3: Denny Stripling, Texas Region
Prototype 1: Jim Devenport, San Francisco Region
Prototype 2: Jack Donnellan, Oklahoma Region
Super Touring® Lite: James Dianto, Texas Region
Super Touring® Under: David Fiorelli, Texas Region
Touring 1: Christian Ghimbos, Houston Region
Touring 2: Scott Sewell, Texas Region
Touring 3: Kenny Russo, Houston Region
Touring 4: Sergio Zlobin, Houston Region

American Sedan®: Christopher Qualls, Cal Club Region
B-Spec: Thomas Lepper, San Francisco Region
E Production: Joe Carr, San Francisco Region
F Production: Taz Harvey, San Francisco Region    
H Production: Bill Okell, Oregon Region
Formula 600: N/A
Formula Atlantic®: Antony Opheim, Oregon Region
Formula Continental®: Tom Hope, Cal Club Region
Formula Enterprises®2: Caleb Shrader, Oregon Region
Formula F: Eric Poulsen, Cal Club Region    
Formula Vee® (tie): Mark Edwards, Cal Club Region
                                Quinn Posner, Northwest Region
Formula X: John Ertel, San Francisco Region
GT-1: Michael Lewis, Cal Club Region
GT-2: Ian Barberi, San Francisco Region
GT-3: Collin Jackson, Oregon Region
GT-Lite: Michael Lewis, Cal Club Region
Spec Miata: Jason Rawlins, Oregon Region
Spec Racer® Ford Gen3: Caleb Shrader, Oregon Region
Prototype 1: Jim Devenport, San Francisco Region
Prototype 2: Kevin Mitz, San Francisco Region
Super Touring® Lite: Ryan Gutile, San Francisco Region
Super Touring® Under: Marc Hoover, Arizona Region
Touring 1: Don Van Nortwick, San Francisco Region
Touring 2: Norm Benson, Cal Club Region
Touring 3: Chris Hart, Northwest Region
Touring 4: Scotty B. White, Northwest Region

All Tied Up

Each U.S. Majors Tour Conference in 2023 had multiple points-earning races, and drivers could gather up as many as 200 points per Conference – so it’s kind of amazing the number of ties that occurred. Then again, considering that the Spec Miata National Championship Runoffs race this year at VIRginia International Raceway ended in a tie, should you expect anything less for a season-long battle?

The Northeast Conference saw a three-way tie in Prototype 2 with Jack Zweifel, Michael Moulton, and Pat Wildfire earning 50 points each. The Formula X battle in the Southeast Conference also ended as a three-way tie with Nico Dal Monte, Robert Wright, and Russ McBride each earning 50 points.

Formula Vee® (FV) saw a tie in the Western Conference with Mark Edwards and Quinn Posner matching up at 146 points apiece. Then FV racers Mark Felsen and William Lauer did the same with 50 points each in the Mid-States Conference.

More Mid-States Conference ties materialized in the Prototype 1 (P1) and Formula Enterprises® 2 (FE2) classes. In P1, Doug Schumacher and Glenn Conser matched each other at 50 points. In FE2, Darryl Wills and Gray Fowler also matched marks at 50 points.

Different Conferences, Same Results

Since we mentioned Darryl Wills, let’s note his shared Mid-States Conference FE2 achievement was matched by a solo FE2 Southern Conference Championship where he amassed 196 points, which is far from shabby.

In Prototype 1, Jim Devenport earned top honors in the Western Conference and Southern Conference. Jack Donnellan did the same in Prototype 2, taking top honors in the Southern Conference and Mid-States Conference. Chris Edens also secured a Southern Conference Championship in the GT-3 class, then maxed out at 200 points on his way to triumphing in the Mid-States Conference GT-3 skirmish.

And let’s not forget about Scotty B. White, who spent his 2023 racing season traveling to multiple events around the country. For his effort, White secured the Western Conference Touring 4 title, as well as the Southeast Touring 2 title.

Two Titles, One Conference

Each year within single U.S. Majors Tour Conferences, you can usually find a couple of talented drivers who manage to claim a title in two or more different classes. That held true again in 2023.

In the Western Conference, Caleb Shrader doubled up by winning the FE2 and Spec Racer Ford Gen3 classes. Michael Lewis did the same in the Western Conference, but emerged as Champion in the GT-Lite and GT-1 classes.

The Southeast Conference saw Danny Steyn triumph in both Spec Miata and Super Touring® Lite. Then in the Mid-States Conference, driver Michael Pettiford once again earned two Championships, one in Touring 3 and another in the Touring 1 class.

Congratulations to all the 2023 U.S. Majors Tour Champions. We can’t wait for the 2024 U.S. Majors Tour to bring about another incredible racing season.

Photos by Dave Green (T2) and Wedrick Campbell First Place Visuals.