SCCA® Women on Track’s mission – to expand participation of women in all facets of SCCA programs and activities as participants, volunteers, leaders, or supporters – is reaching new heights in 2024, and as part of that, the group will present scholarships to 14 recipients – valued at upwards of $11,500 – spanning SCCA Road Racing, volunteering, RallyCross, Time Trials, RoadRally, and Solo. In previous years, applications for SCCA Women on Track scholarships opened at different times, but in 2024, all applications will open simultaneously – in fact, you can already apply.
While scholarship applications are currently being accepted, not all will share the same deadline.
With an application deadline of Jan. 12, 2024, the first three scholarships presented will be the SCCA Road Racing Drivers’ School Scholarship, the National Time Trials Scholarship, and the Wendi Allen Solo Scholarship.
The SCCA Women on Track Road Racing Drivers’ School Scholarship will present two recipients with $1,000 scholarships each to attend an SCCA Drivers’ School. The Time Trials Scholarship will select one recipient with $1,000 to put toward attending the 2024 Time Trials Nationals, while two recipients will each receive $500 scholarships toward attending a 2024 Tire Rack SCCA Time Trials National Tour Powered by Hagerty weekend.
The Wendi Allen Solo Scholarship will present three women with $1,500 scholarships each in support of their travel to Tire Rack National Solo events and the Tire Rack SCCA Solo National Championships. Additionally, the SCCA will waive entry fees for scholarship recipients to all Tire Rack National Solo events attended during the year and work with the Solo community and commercial partners to seek out other forms of support for the recipients, such as driver training, mentoring, products, and logistical assistance.
Recipients of the SCCA Road Racing Drivers’ School Scholarship, National Time Trials Scholarship, and Wendi Allen Solo Scholarship will be announced on Jan. 26 during the SCCA Women on Track session at the virtual SCCA National Convention.
The second application deadline for SCCA Women on Track scholarships is May 31, 2024. That deadline will be for the Runoffs Volunteer, RallyCross Nationals, and RoadRally Scholarships.
The Runoffs Volunteer Scholarship will present two women with $500 scholarships each to assist in their travel to the SCCA National Championship Runoffs. Similarly, the RallyCross Nationals Scholarship will present $500 each to two scholarship recipients to assist in their travel expenses for attending the 2024 RallyCross National Championships, and the RoadRally Scholarship will supply two women with $500 each to help with their costs associated with attending the 2024 United States RoadRally Challenge (USRRC).
Recipients of the Runoffs Volunteer Scholarship, RallyCross Nationals Scholarship, and RoadRally Scholarship will be announced in June.
Applicants needn’t be a member of the Sports Car Club of America to apply for any of the SCCA Women on Track scholarships.
Details regarding all of these scholarships can be found by following the links below.
Application Deadline: Jan. 12, 2024
- SCCA Road Racing Drivers’ School Scholarship
- National Time Trials Scholarship
- Wendi Allen Solo Scholarship
Application Deadline: May 31, 2024
Keep up with the latest SCCA Women on Track news via its webpage on SCCA.com and on the SCCA Women on Track Facebook page.
How You Can Help SCCA Women on Track
Funding for SCCA Women on Track initiatives comes from the SCCA Foundation, a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization whose mission is to support the Sports Car Club of America by providing inclusive opportunities for motorsports competition, safety, education, and historical preservation through such programs as Tire Rack Street Survival, VETMotorsports, SCCA Women on Track, SCCA Archives, and more.
The SCCA Foundation is currently accepting donations earmarked for SCCA Women on Track and for its other initiatives. Head to the SCCA Foundation’s website to discover more about the not-for-profit charitable organization, along with how you can earmark donations for the program of your choice.
Photo by Jon Krolewicz and Valarie Farret