The 2024 SCCA® National Convention has wrapped, but that doesn’t mean convention season has ended – far from it. The SCCA National Convention saw around 1,000 members register for the virtual National Convention, with roughly 70 sessions offered during the Jan. 18-26, 2024, online event. But while the annual SCCA National Convention is a fantastic tool for learning the ins and outs of the National organization, the SCCA Divisional Conventions are where you can meet with those in your area, and gather to learn how to build fantastic events.
Six SCCA Divisional Conventions are coming up soon – in one case, very soon – so if you found the National Convention useful, you’ll definitely want to attend one of these.
And don’t forget, while these are organized locally, representation from the SCCA National Office will be present at all Divisional Conventions.
Southeast Division Annual Banquet & Convention
Date: Feb. 2-3, 2024
Location: Sea Palms Resort, St. Simons Island, GA
Registration: Register now
Notes from the organizer:
The 2024 SEDiv Convention will feature individual meetings with the Divisional Administrators, SARRC Committee, Regional Race Class Rules, Divisional Solo, Time Trials, RallyCross, Stewards, Tech, Timing & Scoring, Registration, Flag & Com, Race Control, Newsletters, Web Developers, Membership, and the SCCA National Staff.
The center point of this year’s convention will again be the Awards Banquet at which all SEDiv SARRC, Solo, Time Trials, and Rally Champions will receive their awards plus the SEDiv will honor outstanding members with the Reuter, Fitzgerald, Holland, Webb, Director’s, Worker of the Year, Drivers of the Year & Bobby Clark Awards.
Northeast Division Convention
Date: Feb. 10, 2024
Location: Radisson Lackawanna Station, Scranton, PA
Registration: Register now
Notes from the organizer:
The NEDiv Convention has a full day of information about all of SCCA: Region management, membership development, and program support for your Region. SCCA National Staff will be attending the convention to support NEDiv. We kick off with presentations from SCCA National Staff, and the sessions end with the NEDiv Council meeting.
On Saturday evening, our SCCA family will be stepping into 1958 to be part of the musical romantic comedy Grease, which was released in 1978. Join in the fun with a costume to be part of the "T-Birds greaser gang" – the rival gang Scorpions" – the "Pink Ladies greaser girl clique" - a "jock" - or an Australian transfer student. First-, second-, and third-place prizes will be given for most creative costumes in keeping with the Grease theme. As part of its 10th year anniversary celebration, the NEDiv Road Racing Series will also be presenting championship Awards.
Rocky Mountain Division Virtual Convention
Date: Feb. 17, 2024,
Location: Virtual
Registration: Register now
Notes from the organizer:
Join us for free for an engaging and informative day at the 2024 Rocky Mountain Division Virtual Convention. This online event brings together experts and enthusiasts from various motor racing disciplines. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or a newcomer to the racing community, this convention promises a wealth of knowledge and networking opportunities.
Midwest Division Convention
Date: Feb. 23-25, 2024
Location: Hotel Topeka at City Center, Topeka, KS
Registration: Register now
Notes from the organizer:
No experience necessary – the Midwest Division needs (and wants) your input. This is an opportunity to express yourself on any and all racing related topics be it RoadRally, RallyCross, Solo, Time Trials, or Club Racing.
Come and be a bigger part of SCCA and the Midwest Division helping shape the future.
Great Lakes Division Spring Training Conference
Date: March 1-2, 2024
Location: The Summit, Ft. Wayne, IN
Registration: Register now
Notes from the organizer:
It's time for the Great Lakes Division Spring Training Conference on Friday, March 2, and be sure to come in time for the not-to-be-missed Friday Night Social on March 1. Registration for the Conference is $30 a person and includes the in-demand Shigs 'n Pit buffet everyone craves. Friday night's social is $10 for all the amazing Casa d'Angelo pasta you can eat.
The agenda is building and will be jam-packed, as always. Our superb GLDiv specialty leaders and members are busy planning their 2024 sessions. Also, eight SCCA National Office team members will join us (Mike Cobb, Chris Robbins, Rick Myers, Andrew Benagh, Jon Krolewicz, John Hunter, Kathy Barnes, Kristen Poole) to offer sessions in their specialties and listen to members.
Central Division Spring Training 2024
Date: March 16-17, 2024
Location: Milwaukee Area Technical College, Mequon, WI
Registration: Register now
Notes from the organizer:
Please register for any specialty or interest that you have. There will be brief session contents published when we have that info from the leaders who will conduct the classes. We encourage you to join another group if your specialty isn't available at this time. You need not be an SCCA member to attend.
Photo by Jon Krolewicz / Staff