We’ll give up the ghost right now: This might be the only live stream the SCCA® Track Night in America® Driven by Tire Rack crew will do all year. But hey, that makes it the best, right?
What else Track Night is the best at is getting people on the racetrack for pocket change. If you’ve got a car, a helmet, a few bucks, and a handful of hours during a weekday, you too can live the dream. It’s the reason why the Track Night program has tens of thousands of fans across America who’ve already taken the plunge, and we’ll tell you all about it during the Feb. 29, 2024, Track Night live stream.
The Track Night live stream will kick off with a run through of the recently announced 2024 Track Night schedule, then we’ll tell you why your smiling faces need to meet our smiling faces in person at one of those events.
On the stream, you’ll see several of the folks that make the Track Night in America magic happen – in fact, Track Night coach (and SCCA’s Manager of Track Night) Justin Barbry will be hosting the live stream, filling you in on everything there is to know about the coming season. At his side will be “the man” himself, SCCA’s Senior Director of Rally/Solo and Experiential Programs Heyward Wagner (psst: he’s the one who originally thought up this program). This duo will then tempt lucky/unsuspecting SCCA staffers into Heyward’s office (likely with the promise of candy) to join the live stream conversation.
YOU will also be in the conversation through the chat. AND they’ll be tempting you with goodies, too, offering up the chance for a trip to SCCA’s virtual Prize Closet, which in the past has contained suspension parts and more.
The Track Night in America live stream will take place on SCCA’s Facebook and YouTube pages on Thursday, Feb. 29, 2024, starting at noon Central Time. The stream ends when Justin’s coffee buzz wears off...or when Heyward kicks everyone out of his office.
Your job right now is to prep for the live stream by heading to SCCA’s Facebook page, clicking the “Like” button (if you haven’t already), then clicking the “Liked” button and selecting “all notifications” under the “Video” tab (hey Zuckerberg: Can you make that more straightforward?). On YouTube, tap the “Subscribe” button, and make sure you ring that bell icon to allow all notifications.
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Photo by Kirk Myhre/MC Motorsports Design