(Each month, Gonzalo “Gonzo” San Miguel, the SCCA® RallyCross® Board (RXB) Chair, presents you with the latest RallyCross news.)
Over the next few months, I would like to emphasize some of the volunteer positions in our RallyCross community that don’t get enough credit and/or recognition. One such position is a very important job that many people don’t consider on a day-to-day basis, or even know much about: Divisional Steward.
There are nine SCCA Divisions across the United States: Central, Great Lakes, Midwest, Northeast, Northern Pacific, Rocky Mountain, Southeast, Southern Pacific, and Southwest. RallyCross Stewards are appointed for each Division by the RallyCross Board (RXB), then approved by the National SCCA Board of Directors.
Stewards are responsible for helping new interested areas get a program off the ground by any means necessary within their scope. That could include helping with rules, safety, paperwork, sanctioning, timing, course equipment, and more. Stewards keep the RXB Divisional Steward liaison up to date on anything going on in their Division that they may need help on from the RXB or the SCCA National Office. And in the more populous Divisions, like in the east, there may need to be coordination of event dates between SCCA Regions so that a Region isn’t “taking” participants from a neighboring Region.
While Stewards not only approve new sites for Regions and sign off on new and renewing Safety Steward licenses, perhaps their most important role is to promote the growth of RallyCross in their Division, helping event organizers with event quality to keep as many people interested and happy with how the Regions are being run.
Sanjay Singh, who is your Divisional Steward liaison on the RXB, is currently planning on revamping the role of the Divisional Steward to be more involved on the local level so that there are no Regions that feel they are being ignored or left out of the big picture. The RXB wants everyone to know that whatever Division or Region you’re associated with, you are an integral part of the SCCA RallyCross program.
Your current Divisional Stewards are:
- Great Lakes Division: Ed Trudeau
- Midwest Division: Bob Seelig
- Pacific Northwest Division: Jacob Sturgeon
- Rocky Mountain Division: Will MacDonald
- Southeast Division: Leon Drake
- Southern Pacific Division: Sanjay Singh
- Southwest Division: Mike Jiang
We are currently lacking Divisional Stewards in the Central and Northeast Divisions, so if you’re interested and excited in helping out, please reach out to the RXB.
The current Divisional Stewards’ contact information is located on the my.scca.com page, so if you have any questions regarding local help or anything else, reach out to them – or contact the RXB at rxb@scca.com.
Photo by Andie Albin