Your 2023 ProSolo Finale tag search returned 4 results.

Get Ready – ProSolo Finale Kicks Off This Weekend

Get Ready – ProSolo Finale Kicks Off This Weekend

While #SoloNatsHasStarted, the Tire Rack SCCA® Solo® National Championships is not the first game in town. You see, the Tire Rack SCCA ProSolo® Finale kicks off the weeklong championship autocross extravaganza in Lincoln, NE,...Read more
ProSolo Action – Sunday, Sunday, Sunday!

ProSolo Action – Sunday, Sunday, Sunday!

It’s Sunday morning of Labor Day weekend, and that can only mean one thing – Heat 3 is about to spool up at the Lincoln Airpark, and the Challenges come fast and furious right behind that at the Tire Rack ProSolo Championship...Read more
ProSolo: Wenzel Wins While Caserta Takes Cup; Wong Sweeps Ladies

ProSolo: Wenzel Wins While Caserta Takes Cup; Wong Sweeps Ladies

Take a dash of traditional autocross and add in some drag racing starts, and we know it’s part of the Tire Rack ProSolo tour. Add in a chunk of the Super Bowl, and you know it’s the ProSolo Finale, live from Lincoln, on...Read more
It's LIVE! Follow Along With the ProSolo Finale

It's LIVE! Follow Along With the ProSolo Finale

It's Saturday morning of Labor Day weekend, and that means only one thing: the biggest, baddest Tire Rack SCCA ProSolo event in the world has begun. It may not have as many entrants as the Tire Rack SCCA Solo National...Read more