2023 Solo Nationals Weekly Bulletins
Hi All,
Thank you again for signing up to be a part of the 2023 Tire Rack SCCA Solo Nationals! This year we are celebrating the 50th running of this awesome event and are looking forward to seeing everyone! This is the first of a weekly Monday bulletin for Solo Nationals competitors containing valuable information you should know. Expect one each Monday from now until Nationals.
Please take a few minutes each week to read through everything and by doing so you will be well prepared to have a week of fun at Solo Nationals! Let’s get started.
- Price/Cancellation Fee Increase
The registration fee will increase to $325 at 12:01 am Central on August 2 (this Wednesday!). The cancellation fee will also increase from $50 to $100. If you have any friends who are still not on the waitlist, make sure they’re on the list before Wednesday to take advantage of the lower price. Any registrations after the August 2 increase will also not be able to receive a refund.
- Class Changes
Please email Tracy Lewis at tlewis@scca.com to discuss making any class changes as soon as possible. Taking care of this sooner rather than later ensures that there is space for you (especially if your class change is across Run Days) and helps us make sure the run/work order split between courses and heats is more accurate, which is imperative to event flow.
- Car/Number/Car Information
Review your car number and/or car information to be sure that the vehicle you are registered in is the vehicle you will be running in Lincoln. If you need to make changes here, also shoot an email to Tracy Lewis at tlewis@scca.com. This will ensure that you do not have to make any changes on-site in Lincoln and your on-site check-in process will be quicker.
- Mailing Address
Just like the past few years, the trophies at Nationals will be handed out without the names on them. The plates will be mailed out after the event to the address that you have listed in your MotorsportReg account. Please login to your account and check that your address is current to ensure there are no delays in getting your engraved plate to put on your trophy. While you're in there, a quick check to make sure your emergency contact is still correct is never a bad idea.
As you’re checking your MotorsportReg account, take a few moments to check your SCCA Member Account Portal (my.scca.com) as well. Pro tip: You can take care of your SCCA Annual Waiver while you’re there.
- Group Paddock Registration closing
Group paddock registration will close at 12:01 am Central on August 3 (this Thursday). If your group (6+ drivers) is not already in conversation with our Paddock Team, you need to reach out to them ASAP at solopaddock@scca.com. After the 3rd, all drivers will need to use the Individual Paddock Registration process to secure a spot.
- Logistics Information
Keep reading for a quick highlight of some logistics details. All items can also be found on the Solo Nationals event page at scca.com.
- RV Rentals: If you’re looking to stay on site, check out our Member Benefit through Racetrack RV Rentals. SCCA Members can save 10% on bookings up to $500 or get $50 off $500 or more. You’ll need to log into your Member Account Portal for details!
- RV Servicing: Our porta potty vendor has agreed to provide RV drainage services again this year. Call Port-A-Johns at 402-965-9700 and ask for Jenny to arrange services. $40 to drain, cash is preferred but they can take credit cards (add a 3% fee). Timing will vary depending on their schedule and you will have to handle refilling on your own.
- Golf Carts: They’re still hard to come by after the great sell-off of 2020. If you are interested in securing your own golf cart for the week, the two vendors that we’re aware of are Nebraska Golf and Turf (402-466-6222) and Buresh Golf and Equipment (402-499-9806).
- Group/Large Tents: If your Region/Group is securing a tent, either rental or otherwise, for 2023 Solo Nationals, please remember that you will also have to secure a tent permit from the city of Lincoln for any tents over 400sqft. This is a city requirement. You can find more information regarding tent permits and the application here: https://www.lincoln.ne.gov/City/Departments/Building-Safety/Online-Permit-Applications-and-Inspections/Application-Forms-and-Permits/Tents-andor-Membrane-Structures-Permit
Hi All,
Thank you again for signing up to be a part of the 2023 Tire Rack SCCA Solo Nationals! This year we are celebrating the 50th running of this awesome event and are looking forward to seeing everyone! This is the second of a weekly Monday bulletin for Solo Nationals competitors containing valuable information you should know. Expect one each Monday from now until Nationals.
Please take a few minutes each week to read through everything and by doing so you will be well prepared to have a week of fun at Solo Nationals! Let’s get started.
- Don’t Forget to Register for Contingency
Registering for SCCA’s gold and silver level administered contingency programs is a separate registration from your Nationals entry and can be found in your Member Account Portal. Remember, National Tour registration DOES NOT include Solo Nationals - you must register separately every year. Competitors must be registered prior to competing, and it is the competitor's responsibility to comply with contingency requirements. Please check the programs on https://www.scca.com/pages/solo-contingency for detailed program requirements, including decal placements and a link to the registration page.
The following companies are posting bronze level contingency programs for which you must register directly with the sponsoring companies:
- Hoosier Racing Tire
- Mazda North American Operations
- Toyota Racing Development
- Minor Waivers
In the state of Nebraska, the age of majority is 19. Therefore, any competitor under the age of 19 at the time of Solo Nationals will need to have a minor waiver completed.
If a minor’s membership hard card has “Minor waiver on file” on the back, just show the hard card to the waiver workers. Minors can then receive a Nationals wristband, or they can display their membership (hard) card on their person; either needs to be visible anytime on the Nationals site.
If a minor competitor (driver) and/or worker does not already have an annual waiver on file with the SCCA National office noted on the back of the membership (hard) card, then an electronic minor waiver will need to be filled out with the signature of BOTH parents/guardians and the minor ahead of the event. (A waiver with only one parent/guardian signature is not a valid document unless the one parent/guardian legally has sole custody. An affidavit of sole custody can be signed by the parent/guardian as part of the electronic waiver process.)
- A minor waiver is not necessary for minors under 12 years of age; they are not permitted to be in active “hot” areas per the 2023 Solo Rulessection 1.3.2.O (page 26).
- A minor waiver is not necessary for minors 12 to 17 years old but they are not permitted in active “hot” areas without a minor waiver completed as stated previously.
You are highly encouraged to take care of any minor waivers (or annual SCCA waivers for those over 19) via our electronic process so that you'll be good to go once you get on site. Find the instructions to do so here.
- Women on Track Brunch – Registration Open!
Join SCCA Women on Track at the Tire Rack Event Center on Monday, September 4, at 10:00 am to meet other WOT, talk cars, and win prizes. This year is going to be bigger and better than ever – don’t miss out!
Check out the flyer for more information and register so we have an accurate headcount for snacks! It’s free to attend, we just want to know you’re coming!
- Event Gear Pre-Order
Shirts101 will once again be on site with event swag. This year they will also be offering a pre-order for some event-specific swag! You can order between now and August 25 and they’ll have your order ready and waiting for you on-site. Pick it up any time their tent is open!
Check out the event store here: https://shirts101.store/scca_solo_nat
- ProSolo Finale Registration Opening!
For my ProSolo friends, here’s your reminder that registration for the Finale is also opening soon.
- Tier 1 (34+ points in your Finale class) will open Wednesday, August 16 at 3pm Central.
- Tier 2 (27 or more points OR 3 or more events in your Finale class) will open Monday, August 21 at 3pm Central.
- Tier 3 (scored points in 2 or more events in your Finale class) will open Friday, August 25 at 3pm Central.
As in years past, the previous Tier will close at 2:45pm ahead of the next Tier’s 3pm opening, so please plan appropriately so that you aren’t joining the folks in the next Tier.
You can check out your Points Standing by clicking here: https://www.scca.com/pages/2023-prosolo-point-standings
Hi All,
Thank you again for signing up to be a part of the 2023 Tire Rack SCCA Solo Nationals! This year we are celebrating the 50th running of this awesome event and are looking forward to seeing everyone! This is the third of a weekly Monday bulletin for Solo Nationals competitors containing valuable information you should know. Expect one each Monday from now until Nationals.
Please take a few minutes each week to read through everything and by doing so you will be well prepared to have a week of fun at Solo Nationals! Let’s get started.
- Individual Paddock Space Registration is Opening
Registration for Individual Paddock Spaces will open on Wednesday, August 16 at 6:00 pm Central. To request a paddock space, you and any co-drivers that you’re claiming must be registered for the event before being considered. A specific Paddock Space email will be published ahead of registration but go ahead and mark your calendar! Group Paddocks are being finalized in order to provide accurate availability.
- Spirit Week Dress-Up Days!
Would it really be a homecoming week without themed dress-up days? I think not! Everyone on site is invited to follow the themes below when planning their outfits for the week:
- Monday: Sports
- Tuesday: Crazy socks and mismatches
- Wednesday: Team/Class/Region shirts
- Thursday: Throwback! (Dress like you did in High School)
- Friday: PJ Day
- Have You Registered for Contingency?
Our contingency team is telling me that things are looking a little light on the registration side. Don’t forget that you have to register for Solo Nationals contingency SEPARATELY from National Tour registrations. National Tour sign-ups DO NOT carry over to this event.
Competitors must be registered prior to competing, and it is the competitor's responsibility to comply with contingency requirements. Please check the programs on https://www.scca.com/pages/solo-contingency for detailed program requirements, including decal placements and a link to the registration page.
The following companies are posting bronze level contingency programs for which you must register directly with the sponsoring companies:
Hoosier Racing Tire
Mazda North American Operations
Toyota Racing Development
- Site Etiquette
As we enter the 14th year of running at Lincoln Air Park we want to remind everyone that this is a Solo site just like everyone else has in their Region. We would like everyone to treat LAP just like they would their local site. This means helping keep the site clean, watching speeds, and avoiding areas that are restricted (such as crossing the snow fence). Just like with other sites, the eyes of LAP have noticed some instances of horseplay around the site throughout the years. They have specifically mentioned it to us and to help us keep the site please treat it with respect as you would your own region’s site.
We also would like to give you all a heads up that many racetracks require all drivers of golf carts to carry insurance specific to the golf carts. While this isn’t something we want to put in place it is something we, unfortunately, have had to discuss possibly doing. It won’t be required this year but is something we might discuss for the future depending on how carts are treated.
- Course Walk Wristbands
If you need approval for course walk accommodations, please email Tracy Lewis before 3:00 pm Central on Thursday, August 31 for pre-approval by a Chief Steward. She can be reached at tlewis@scca.com. Please provide pertinent details so that they can be included in the request to the Steward. Once approved, your wristband will be available for you at Check-In. After 3:00 pm Central on August 31, any requests for accommodations will need to be directed to the Chief Steward on site.
- Paddock Limitations
1) All conveyance vehicles, to include golf carts, bicycles, trikes, mopeds, motorcycles, scooters, etc. MUST be equipped with at least one front light, and one rear light when operated after dusk, and prior to dawn. Preference would be two front lights and at least one rear light. The rear light should be red and the front light(s) should be white, but as long as the vehicle can be clearly seen during dark hours of operation, a combination is acceptable.
2) Speeds on site, excluding the courses, will be monitored by radar reading and will be a max of 12 mph.
3) Rules of the road shall apply, including paddock lanes, and all other areas inside the Nationals compound. This includes stopping at intersections and proceeding with caution, watching out for pedestrian traffic as well as other conveyances, no horseplay in or on any conveyance vehicle including golf carts and other units listed above. There shall be no ramp jumping, racing, tire warming, or reckless operation of any vehicle inside Nationals gated and fenced area.
4) Tire cleaning shall be confined to the tire cleaning area only. No donuts or other reckless operation of any vehicle inside the compound.
5) Areas outside of Nationals gated area, including approach and entry roads, shall not be used for tire warming, tuning, or anything other than a route to and from the Nationals compound. Posted speed limits should be observed.
6) Quiet time runs from 10 PM till 6 AM. Please consider your neighbors during that time. Loud generators must not operate during quiet hours.
7) Use all trash bins available. There will be bins marked CARDBOARD ONLY, please use appropriately as this is a local government ordinance. Please DO NOT MOVE the bins unless you are emptying them into the larger dumpsters. If you must move them, please return them to their original locations. The locations of the bins are marked on a map to assist the trash vendor in emptying all bins quickly and efficiently.
8) IMPORTANT REMINDER: If you are paddocked in an asphalt spot, NO HOLES can be made in the surface. Any jack, jack stand, tent pole, etc. MUST have a solid flat surface under it. Wood is strongly encouraged to be at least 12"x12".
9) IMPORTANTER REMINDER: Over the course of the ProSolo Finale and Solo Nationals, paddock space will again be shared with an active Lincoln Airport maintenance facility taxiway. This taxiway runs directly from the Goodyear hangar through the paddock to the runway. The taxiway is marked off with cones and/or barriers. This taxiway MUST remain open and unblocked 24/7. When you cross the taxiway, either on foot or by vehicle, DO NOT STOP or park in the active taxiway. Any parked/blocking vehicle will be towed immediately.
10) Paddock Marshal (safety) is Phil Osborn. If any issues arise in the paddock, his cell number is 214 288 3922. He will respond to calls anytime. In addition, there will be others
- Requesting Items for the SCCA Pop-Up Museum at Lincoln Airpark
As part of the 50th Anniversary celebration, the 50th Committee has been gathering items to display as part of a “Pop-Up Museum” at the Airpark. You’ll be able to view these items from our history in the Danley Building throughout the week. The Committee are still looking for additional items from throughout the years to showcase in the display. If you have treasures from prior years, such as past trophies, shirts, and other memorabilia that you would be willing to bring to Nationals, let the Committee know!
In order to ensure that they’re spreading the love evenly across the years, please email Robert Chrismas at 50thautoxvideos@gmail.com with details about the items you would like to share. He’ll then let you know if those items fill a gap or if that year is covered. Return of all display items will be discussed as well.
Hi All,
Thank you again for signing up to be a part of the 2023 Tire Rack SCCA Solo Nationals! This year we are celebrating the 50th running of this awesome event and are looking forward to seeing everyone! This is the fourth of a weekly Monday bulletin for Solo Nationals competitors containing valuable information you should know. Expect one each Monday from now until Nationals.
Please take a few minutes each week to read through everything and by doing so you will be well prepared to have a week of fun at Solo Nationals! Let’s get started.
- Individual Paddock Space Registration Closes August 25th
Registration for Individual Paddock Spaces will close Friday, August 25th. If you are wanting to pick your paddock spot, please make sure you do so before then! To select a paddock spot, simply click on an available spot on the Paddock Map and complete the Registration Form. If you just need a space but aren’t particular about where, shoot an email to the Paddock Team at solopaddock@scca.com and let them know. They’ll be glad to assign you a home for the week.
- Run/Work Order, Event Schedule, & Supps Posted
In case you missed it, the Run/Work Order and Event Schedule have been posted! The run/work order is always a giant jigsaw puzzle, and this year was no exception. Balancing class size, open and ladies classes, as well as cars competing in multiple classes, are just some of the things the Worker Chief has to look at each year.
Event Supplemental Regulations are also now available for your review here: https://www.scca.com/downloads/69067-2023-solo-nationals-supps/download. Please review them for important items such as:
- We’re still sharing the paddock with a taxiway (don’t stop or park in the active taxiway!)
- Use of the National Tour stage/start lights (including a stage/start light explanation document)
- Impound and weighing procedures – officials may ask for components to be removed during the impound process & competitors should have the proper tools available in grid for removal and reinstallation of said components, ie a jack and necessary tolls for removal of front & rear wheels & jack stands to support the raised vehicle.
- Protest & appeals procedures (including link for filing electronically)
- Sound Policy – review Appendix H of the 2023 National Solo rules (pg 310-11).
- Early Arrival – NO on-site option
Unfortunately, the Airpark was not able to provide us with an Early Arrival spot this year, so there is NO early arrival space in the Airpark. You will need to make your own arrangements ahead of the Friday, Sept 1, 8am gate time. Remember, we are not able to, nor want to, clog the Airpark’s roadways, so hanging outside the gate/along the roads is not an option.
- Waivers & Wristbands
Don’t forget that you have the option to take care of your waiver ahead of the event! We highly encourage you to take advantage of this – then all you have to do is show the gate staff your credentials and you’re in! (If your SCCA membership card does not have your picture on the front, you will also need to show your driver’s license with your Annual Waiver designation.)
The silicone wristbands we’ve all grown to love will be back this year, and available at the gate. If you’re not a fan of those, the standard SCCA Tyvek band will also be available.
Links to the SCCA annual waiver instructions and the SpeedWaiver option can be found below.
Annual Waiver Instructions (including minor waiver information)
If you are a competitor under the age of 19 (or have a competitor under the age of 19), please email Tracy Lewis at tlewis@scca.com so that we are aware and can help make sure the minor waiver is taken care of correctly ahead of the event. Remember, in Nebraska, the age of majority is 19, so don’t let that catch you unaware!
- Worker Descriptions
The Chief of Workers has put together a job description for all Solo Nationals worker assignments. Whether you are a seasoned veteran or new to National Solo events, we encourage everyone to read them over so that everyone is prepared and on the same page. You can refresh your memory here: https://www.scca.com/downloads/69066-2023-solo-nationals-work-assignment-descriptions
- Sign up for Sportity!
Want help keeping up with what’s going on throughout the week? Download Sportity for push alerts and keeping all details at your fingertips. As usual, there are 5 text keywords, which can be found here. The general information keyword will be used to share information for the entire event while the 4-course-specific keywords will help keep you updated on specific courses. QR codes will also be available on-site for simple sign-up.
- Don’t Forget Your Event Swag!
If you were pre-ordering your event-specific gear, make sure you get your order in before the August 25 deadline! Pre-orders will be available for pick up in Shirts101’s tent. Check out the offerings & order here: https://shirts101.store/scca_solo_nat (they’ve added some additional offerings!)
- Will Work for Free Test N Tune Sessions!
Willing to work for Test N Tune Sessions? The Test N Tune course is operated by the Nebraska Region every year, allowing participants to test n tune without working. However, this year they are looking for some additional workers to help out. If you’re willing to work two 2-hour sessions, they will give you a set of four runs in an available hour slot! Don’t need the Test N Tune session but still want to help out? You can also earn a Nebraska Region event entry credit or a donation to a Partner Organization of your choice. Give Nebraska Region a hand and register here: http://msreg.com/2023NatsTnTWork. To select your Test N Tune slot, register here: http://msreg.com/solonatstnt23. After the event, workers who selected the T&T runs option will have their T&T entries credited back (based on number of sessions worked).
Hello all!
We are so so close to getting to go to Lincoln and I can’t wait!
To help make the waiver, check-in, and tech process as simple as possible, we’ve got a couple of reminders and best practices that we’ve put together for you below. Take a quick read, see what you can go ahead and take care of, and let’s all get to the #funwithcars as quickly as possible!
Do them ahead of time if you can. Complete the electronic annual waiver on your SCCA member account portal at my.scca.com (Instructions) or the SpeedWaiver.
Under 19? You must have a valid Minor Waiver on file to compete in the state of Nebraska. Filling it out ahead of time is absolutely the easy button here. Take care of it electronically and avoid a notary fee (see instructions link above)! Email Tracy Lewis at tlewis@scca.com so that she can make sure the Minor Waiver was completed properly & that you’re good to go.
At the gate: Have your SCCA card (annual waiver), SpeedWaiver documentation, or Driver’s License handy. Your SCCA card with the annual waiver designation & your picture on it or SpeedWaiver info will show you’re good to go to get your event armband. If you’re signing the paper waiver or don’t have your photo on your SCCA card, the Driver’s License will serve as your positive identification. Pro Tip: You can access an electronic copy of your SCCA membership card in your member account portal.
Check your membership expiration date! If your membership expires on August 31 and is not set up on automatic renewal, please renew before coming to check-in. Full, annual membership is required to attend Solo Nationals.
This year, the Check-In Tent will be back down by the East Course (Plane Side) with the Tech Tent. Having them together helped with the flow last year so we’re doing it again!
Go to Check-In before you go to Tech. There will already be a tech sheet for you at Check-In with your information pre-filled based on your MotorsportReg entry. We will not be using the standard Tech Sheet for Solo Nationals.
Bring your Driver’s License and Helmet with you to Check-In. The Check-In team will scan your helmet barcode to make sure they can get a good scan. You will still need to take your helmet to tech to ensure it passes tech inspection.
Make sure you get in the right line! On Sunday & Monday, the check-in lines will be split between Run Days and Tues/Weds will then be further split alphabetically by Last Name. Thurs/Fri Run Days will have a single line until Tuesday, when it will be further split alphabetically by Last Name.
Attended the ProSolo Finale? You will still need to go through check-in for Solo Nationals.
Will you be doing late (day-of competition) check-in? You’ll want to follow the following process:
- Go to check-in tent to get your pre-printed tech form & confirm your Day 1 course (if needed)
- Go through tech
- Head over to the Timing Trailer of the course you’re running on Day 1 of your Run Days to get checked in, get your work assignment and a barcode for your helmet (if necessary).
You’ll fill out the tech form that you get at Check-In and take it, your car, and your helmet to the Tech Tent. Pro Tips: 1) If you and your car are teched during the ProSolo Finale, you will be teched for the week. 2) You are under no obligation to go straight from Check-In to Tech. If the line is longer than you’d like to deal with at that time, come back later (but check the schedule first!).
Need any of the required decals or provided sponsor decals? Look for a Tech teammate towards the back of the line and they’ll be able to help you out.
Not all sponsor decals are available on-site. Need to check if yours are? Review contingency program details here. Pro Tip: Make sure you have signed up for Solo Nationals contingency before competition begins. It is separate from your National Tour sign-up!
All numbers and required decals (except the Event Decal) will need to be correctly applied before you can complete tech. You can either apply any decals as you are waiting to reach the Tech Inspector or return to your paddock spot to do so. Pro Tip: Refer to the event supps for required decals and locations.
Co-drivers? The car owner or representative can bring the car through tech with any completed co-driver tech forms and helmets. Every driver will need to turn in a tech form and have their helmet inspected before competing. A co-driver can bring their tech sheet and helmet for Tech Inspection after their car has been inspected but no Tech Sticker or Event Decal will be issued without the car being present.
Event Decals: The Tech Stickers and Event Decals will only be issued once the car passes tech. Don’t forget to apply the Event Decals to the car – they are required to run! The 2023 Event Decal measures 6in x 3.25in and is a die-cut of the event logo (aka it is not rectangular).
Hi All,
Thank you again for signing up to be a part of the 2023 Tire Rack SCCA Solo Nationals! This year we are celebrating the 50th running of this awesome event, and we can’t wait to be back at the Airpark with everyone. This is the fifth edition of the weekly Monday bulletin for Solo Nationals competitors containing valuable information you should know.
Please take a few minutes each week to read through everything and by doing so you will be well prepared to have a week of fun at Solo Nationals! Let’s get started.
- Will Work for Free Test N Tune Sessions!
Willing to work for Test N Tune Sessions? The Test N Tune course is operated by the Nebraska Region every year, allowing participants to test n tune without working. However, this year they are looking for some additional workers to help out. If you’re willing to work two 2-hour sessions, they will give you a set of four runs in an available hour slot! Don’t need the Test N Tune session but still want to help out? You can also earn a Nebraska Region event entry credit or a donation to a Partner Organization of your choice. Give Nebraska Region a hand and register here: http://msreg.com/2023NatsTnTWork.
- Reminder: Course walk wristbands
If you need approval for course walk accommodations, please email Tracy Lewis before 3:00 pm Central on Thursday, August 31 for pre-approval by a Chief Steward. She can be reached at tlewis@scca.com. Please provide pertinent details so that they can be included in the request to the Steward. Once approved, your wristband will be available for you at Solo Nationals Registration. After 3:00 pm Central on August 31, any requests for accommodation will need to be directed to the Chief Steward on site.
- Early Arrival – NO on-site option
Unfortunately, the Airpark was not able to provide us with an Early Arrival spot this year, so there is NO early arrival space in the Airpark. You will need to make your own arrangements ahead of the Friday, Sept 1, 8am gate time. Remember, we are not able to, nor want to, clog the Airpark’s roadways, so hanging outside the gate/along the roads is not an option.
The Shoemaker’s Travel Center up the road on 48th Street has been the suggested stopover area if you arrive before gates open.
- Friday, September 1 Gate Opening @ 8:00 am
Early event arrival plans are going to be very similar to 2022. Prior to 2017, we had complaints about traffic congestion, particularly early on Friday with people lining up to enter the site right at opening and some security concerns. In order to alleviate these concerns, and be better neighbors to other tenants, we are continuing with the new rules for early arrival. Please follow these rules and assist us in maintaining a smooth opening operation this year.
1) There is no waiting at the gate for it to open on Friday morning. No exceptions. Please do not even approach the gate prior to 8:00 am on Friday morning. You have a reserved parking spot - nobody is going to beat you there.
2) There is no parking/waiting on any street on the airport property. Of course, if the gate is open, and you're in line, that's OK, but seriously, forming a line and blocking an entire lane is not acceptable.
3) If you arrive prior to 8:00 am on Friday, please plan to find a place to hang out prior to Gate Open.
4) You may see authorized setup people coming and going through the gate prior to 8:00 am on Friday. If you're not one of these people, you're not going to get in the gate. No exceptions. No, not you either. Sorry. Do not try to talk your way in. Seriously, Airport Security is only a phone call away.
5) If you are blocking a street prior to 8:00 am, you may be asked to move immediately.
6) Nobody and I mean NOBODY is permitted to enter or exit the site except at Gate 41. Any transgressions on this rule are a security violation and will be dealt with severely. We have cameras. We see all.
We’re headed to Homecoming, but we're not trying to be *those* chaperones here. We must, however, continue to keep this situation under control. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Mark Walker -
Chief of Site Operations
Lincoln Airpark Liaison
- Reminder: Solo Nationals Event Supps Posted
Don’t forget that Event Supps have been posted. You can find them on the event page and by direct link here: https://www.scca.com/downloads/69067-2023-solo-nationals-supps. As always, these contain important information, including but not limited to things like:
- sharing the paddock with a taxiway (don’t stop or park in the active taxiway!)
- use of the National Tour stage/start lights (including a stage/start light explanation document)
- impound and weighing procedures (officials may ask for components to be removed during the impound process and competitors should have the proper tools available in the grid for removal and reinstallation of said components, ie a jack and necessary tools for removal & jack stands to support the raised vehicle)
- protest & appeals procedures (including link for filing electronically)
Make sure to read through them so there are no surprises once you arrive on-site.
- Speaking of Impound Procedures and Compliance Checks…
The following categories will be required to remove a front and rear wheel from one side of the vehicle after completion of competition runs on the first day (Tuesday/Thursday) for the class:
- Street
- Street Touring
- Street Prepared
- Street Modified
As a reminder, please come to grid (both Ladies and Open classes) prepared for these compliance checks with jack, jackstands, and wheel removal tools.
- Stay Cool while Walking Course with Mazda Motorsports!
Keep an eye out for Mazda Motorsports canopies at both the East & West courses and be sure to grab a cold bottle of water as you head out on your course walks throughout the week. Staying hydrated is the first step towards keeping your mental game sharp for those championship-winning runs.
In addition to course-side refreshments for all drivers, Mazda Motorsports continues to leave their mark on the Solo community! You’ll see Dan Sumner throughout the week, from supporting the Women on Track Brunch to providing goodies for Mazda drivers at check-in and more – if you see him around, say hi!
- Trailer Jail
Want to maximize your paddock space? Consider dropping your trailer off in Trailer Jail after unloading. You won’t need it for a couple of days at least. This year the trailer jail will be located at the very back of the paddock, like it has been in years past.
- Museum Opportunities
In case you’ve forgotten with all the Solo Nats prep, the 50th Committee has arranged several opportunities for us to view both our Solo history and American motorsports history as a whole.
Visit the pop-up SCCA Solo Nationals display in the Danley building! History and memorabilia from across 50 years of Solo Nationals.
Monday, September 4: 10 am – 12 pm (Chiefs, BOD, & VIP), 12 pm – 6 pm (all)
Tuesday, September 5 – Thursday, September 7: 10 am – 6 pm
Speedway Motors Museum of American Speed:
All week: show your SCCA membership card for discounted admission tickets
Thursday, September 7: SCCA members get evening admission for free
- Grand Master Challenge: The 50th Anniversary Solo Nationals Index of Seniority
Are you a Grand Master? If you’re 62+ and have opted into the Masters Index in your Solo Nationals entry, you will be able to answer that question soon!
Drivers who have opted into the Masters Index prior to the beginning of competition will compete within their Group (Run Day Split, i.e. Tuesday East/Wednesday West = Group 1, Tuesday West/Wednesday East = Group 2, etc) to determine the Group Master. Scoring will be done using the Index of Seniority (PAX).
A Grand Master will be crowned for Tuesday/Wednesday by comparing the winning differentials of the Group 1 and 2 Group Masters, with the largest determining the Grand Master. The Grand Master for Thursday/Friday will be crowned in the same manner.
Each Group Master will receive a “Get Off My Lawn” trophy with the 2 Grand Masters receiving a special award commemorating their royal accomplishment and stature.
- Can’t make it? Don’t forget to cancel.
While I hope that this doesn’t apply to you, if you are finding that you won’t be able to make it to Lincoln after all, please let us know as soon as possible. The sooner you can let us know, the more accurate we can make the entry list and the worker pool. You can request cancellation on MotorsportReg or send Tracy an email at tlewis@scca.com. The last day to cancel and receive a refund (less $100 cancellation fee) for those that registered before August 2 is September 1 @7pm Central. After that, no refund will be processed.
Hi all!
I’ve got a couple of odds n ends for you all this evening. I know many of you are on the road, so I’m hoping to keep this one short and sweet.
- Introducing The Champions Walk!
In addition to celebrating class trophy winners in grid after each heat, the 50th running of Solo Nationals will include Champions Celebrations on Wednesday and Friday evenings. In celebration, champions will receive their champion’s trophy, and get to take the “champions walk” from the stage to the podium- where all the day’s champions will gather for photos.
Wednesday’s Champions Celebration will include recognition of our annual awards, Top Tue/Wed PAX, current FTD and our Class Champions.
Friday’s Celebration will honor Thur/Fri PAX, FTD, Bob Woods Memorial Trophy (FSAE), and we will wrap up the event with Class Champions.
- Site Map Available & Note About East/Plane Side Traffic Lane
An overall site map has now been posted to the SCCA.com event page. If you would like a general overview of the site before you arrive, you can check it out here. You’ll also see these maps on-site – one at the gate and another in the Tire Rack Event Center (TREC) at Information.
In addition, and very important to note, due to some necessary site adjustments, the East/Plane Side Traffic Lane will be for walking/scooter/bicycle traffic only. It is not large enough for four-wheeled vehicles. You will need to access your paddock lane from the Western Traffic Lane.
- Inside the SCCA Podcast
Inside the SCCA will be doing four shows from Solo Nationals. The goal is to capture the slice of racing life that makes Solo Nationals such a special event. Inside the SCCA from the Tire Rack SCCA Solo Nationals is presented by Mazda Motorsports. If you know of a story that needs to be shared or someone I need to interview -- find me roaming the paddock. I'll be located near the Tire Rack Event Center... and my paddock spot is in row one a bit east of the TREC. We're also going to do a toast and a family picture with all the guests attending Nationals who have ever been on the show. That will be Wednesday night right before the awards ceremony. Even if you haven't been on the show -- stop by for the toast and say hi.
- Don’t Forget to Pack the Tow Hook!
Friendly reminder to bring your tow hook with you to Lincoln. Not that anything is going to happen, but should the need arise, it’ll help us get you off course quicker. The quicker you’re off course, the quicker you can start sorting the issue. It also means that we can get cars back on course, too.