RallyCross 2013 Contingency Programs Posted
Manufactures have finalized RallyCross contingency sponsorship plans. ...Read more -
Tire Rack SCCA Championship Tour, RallyCross Open In Texas
Both the Tire Rack Championship Tour and the RallyCross National Challenge were in College Station, Texas, last weekend, leading to some crossover. ...Read more -
Happy Birthday, SCCA
69 years ago Tuesday, seven men gathered in Boston to start a club they called the Sports Car Club of America. ...Read more -
Global Rallycross Falls Under SCCA Pro Banner
Professional rallycross will now fall under the Pro Racing banner, with potential for partnership growth. ...Read more -
SCCA Extends Its Partnership With BFGoodrich® Tires Through 2014
The official street tire of the SCCA has been extended for two more years. ...Read more -
2013 HOF Class Features Legends Barber, Noble, Rahal, Shelby, and Porterfield
A group of road racing legends will be inducted this March in Las Vegas. ...Read more -
Lisa Noble Selected As SCCA Board Chairman
Lisa Noble was selected by the Board of Directors to serve as the 2013 Chairman of the SCCA. ...Read more -
New Look For SportsCar Magazine Revealed
The next SportsCar magazine to hit your inbox will have a great new look! ...Read more -
2012 SCCA Board Election Results Announced
Four Board members will return, and one new member is welcomed in following this year's elections. ...Read more -
Record Field on Hand as SCCA Awards RallyCross Titles
SCCA's Championship season came to a close with 9 more Champions crowned in Tulsa ...Read more