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Artt B Mann updated his profile

Artt B Mann became friends with Michael Edward Mace

Artt B Mann liked the video Town Hall - Jr. Karts 2017

Artt B Mann posted gear

Artt B Mann voted on the poll The 2017 season is here! You are:
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Artt B Mann voted on the poll Mash-Up! Pick two SCCA Programs to create one super event!
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Artt B Mann voted on the poll Mash-Up! Pick two SCCA Programs to create one super event!
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Artt B Mann updated his profile

Artt B Mann became friends with John Steflik

Artt B Mann became friends with Chris W Albin

Artt B Mann became friends with Jim Wheeler

Artt B Mann became friends with Neava A Ford

Artt B Mann became friends with Jesse K Prather

Artt B Mann became friends with Greg Cheney

Artt B Mann became friends with Lisa B. Noble

Artt B Mann became friends with Andrea Wolfe

Artt B Mann became friends with Dr. J. Douglas Patterson

Artt B Mann became friends with Randy Pobst

Artt B Mann became friends with Linda Duncan

Artt B Mann completed his profile

Artt B Mann updated his profile

Artt B Mann became friends with Greg Reno

Artt B Mann became friends with Brian Garfield

Artt B Mann became friends with Eric Prill

Artt B Mann updated his profile

Artt B Mann posted gear

Artt B Mann posted gear

Artt B Mann became friends with Chris Berg

Artt B Mann became friends with Deena Rowland

Artt B Mann became friends with Philip Royle