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Patricia A Prill voted on the poll How did you find SCCA?
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Patricia A Prill liked the article Update on F Production Driver Steve Hussey

Patricia A Prill registered for 2016 SCCA Runoffs Presented by Garmin VIRB
Monday September 19, 2016 at 12:00 AM

Patricia A Prill liked the article Five Inductees and Six New Award Winners Honored During SCCA Hall of Fame Gala

Patricia A Prill liked the article Building the SCCA Community: No Child Left Behind

Patricia A Prill became friends with Lisa B. Noble

Patricia A Prill became friends with Linda Duncan

Patricia A Prill became friends with Reece White

Patricia A Prill posted a comment on the article #TBT The Women of SCCA Take Control

Patricia A Prill became friends with Eric Prill