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Darrel A Padberg uploaded the video 2023 Solo Nationals east course

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Darrel A Padberg voted on the poll How are you spending your “social distancing” time? (select all that apply)
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Darrel A Padberg became friends with Rick Ruth

Darrel A Padberg became friends with Robert H Lewis

Darrel A Padberg posted a comment on the event 2019 Tire Rack Peru CAM Challenge

Darrel A Padberg replied to the forum post rental car discount??

Darrel A Padberg liked the forum post rental car discount??

Darrel A Padberg liked the comment on 2019 Tire Rack Solo National Championship

Darrel A Padberg posted a comment on the event 2018 Tire Rack Solo Nationals

Darrel A Padberg liked the article And the 2016 SCCA Solo Driver of the Year is ...

Darrel A Padberg posted a comment on the article Lincoln's Bites and Brews

Darrel A Padberg liked the article Lincoln's Bites and Brews

Darrel A Padberg liked the comment on 2018 Tire Rack Solo Nationals

Darrel A Padberg liked the comment on 2018 Tire Rack Solo Nationals

Darrel A Padberg liked the comment on 2018 Tire Rack Solo Nationals

Darrel A Padberg updated his profile

Darrel A Padberg liked the comment on 2017 Wendi Allen Scholarship Fund Recipients Named

Darrel A Padberg posted a comment on the article 2017 Wendi Allen Scholarship Fund Recipients Named

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Darrel A Padberg uploaded a photo

Darrel A Padberg uploaded a photo

Darrel A Padberg uploaded a photo

Darrel A Padberg uploaded a photo

Darrel A Padberg uploaded a photo

Darrel A Padberg uploaded a photo

Darrel A Padberg uploaded a photo

Darrel A Padberg posted the photo album my pics

Darrel A Padberg liked the comment on 2017 Wendi Allen Scholarship Fund Recipients Named