It's Saturday morning of Labor Day weekend, and that means only one thing: the biggest, baddest Tire Rack SCCA ProSolo event in the world has begun. It may not have as many entrants as the Tire Rack SCCA Solo National Championships (which takes place Sept. 5-8, 2023, at the same location), but the Tire Rack SCCA ProSolo Finale in Lincoln, NE, is the official green flag on the weeklong celebration of all things autocross – and it'll whittle the entire season down to one champion per class and Challenge.
You can read all about what we expect to see here, but that was a preview – that premise is out the window now that runs have started.
So what does that mean for you at home? It means it's time to follow along and see what actually happens, not what some keyboard jockey is hoping to see. And that's even easier – all of the live content can be accessed from the front of SCCA.com, or you can just click this hyperlink and go there directly.
Not enough content? The gang at SoloMatters, the official home of SCCA Autocross on Facebook, has some great coverage as well. Find that here.
Class runs are underway, and on Sunday afternoon that will culminate in head-to-head bracket Challenges. We'll be back with more updates as the weekend progresses – don't miss any of it!
Photo by Nikki Edwards / Staff
(note: photo taken during Friday's practice starts)