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Marcus C Wheeler

Marcus C Wheeler updated his profile

Marcus C Wheeler

Marcus C Wheeler liked the article SCCA Convention Going Virtual in 2021!

While the best part of the Convention is seeing old friends and familiar faces from across the country, the second-best part is the amount of knowledge we bring home to our Regions. While that first part can’t happen in 2021......Read more
Marcus C Wheeler

Marcus C Wheeler updated his profile

Marcus C Wheeler

Marcus C Wheeler became friends with Andrew Maffessanti

Andrew Maffessanti
Marcus C Wheeler

Marcus C Wheeler liked the article An Autocrosser Goes Tracking

(Editor’s Note: The following article was written by Dave Hardy, an autocrosser for nearly 20 years) Short Version: The new SCCA Time Trials concept is awesome.  It has the fun, competition, accessibility, and camaraderie of......Read more
Marcus C Wheeler

Marcus C Wheeler became friends with Jerry Ledford II

Jerry Ledford II
Marcus C Wheeler

Marcus C Wheeler liked the comment on 2018 Tire Rack Dixie Champ Tour

So it's Wednesday......Read more
Marcus C Wheeler

Marcus C Wheeler became friends with Andrea Wolfe

Andrea Wolfe
Marcus C Wheeler

Marcus C Wheeler liked the comment on 2018 Tire Rack Dixie Champ Tour

Run/Work is usually posted the Wednesday of the event. Course maps are available at check-in on site.......Read more
Marcus C Wheeler

Marcus C Wheeler updated his profile

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